
Topic: Just for Fun

Effective But Cheap Tradeshow Ideas

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
My company develops hardware/software touchscreen solutions for various verticals. Last year, we signed up for a tradeshow that we attend every year. We have put a significant amount of money down so far. Due to the economy, company executives have since pulled us out of the show, it will cost us 2 to 3 times what we have already paid to complete the show. As of now, if we don't go, we will eat the cost. Without taking our typical large wooden booth (which would cost 10's of thousands of dollars to ship and build), what are some creative/inexpensive ways to fill our 20x20 booth and drive more traffic?
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  • Posted on Author
    Yes, I would definitely say it is a must do...people will notice if we are not there, especially our COMPETITORS!

    I think your ideas are great, and they are similar to ones that I was starting to develop. I'm struggling with: How do I make it look like it was a creative decision and we are trying to make a statement, vs. it looking like we are just trying to save money???"
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I'm curious, which trade show is this?

    If I were in your shoes, I would consider trying to partner with another firm. Maybe you could find a complementary firm who would be happy to provide a booth and some staff and share leads with you.

    If you must do this on your own, you might consider putting down a really thick carpet pad and putting in a few couple chairs and couches. Have a couple small tables with brochures, welcomed boat into your area to sit and rest, and maybe you'll have a chance to strike up a conversation or two.

    Again, if you can give us much more detail, we can be much more helpful. What industry are you in? what products are you selling? What is the biggest marketing challenge you are facing?

    It sounds to me like you are in a great position to select and implement a really out-of-the-box idea. I wish you the best of luck.
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you for your interest, however I would rather not reveal some of this information about my company. In the initial question I posted I did give some details about my company. I will however reiterate that this show is very big for the industry my company is in. People will notice is we do not exhibit. However, I am trying to determine "Is it worth it?" If we do not get any sales from the show, then we are spending thousands of dollars on just awareness (which I know is good-but at some point you have to wonder if its the best tactic for the company in the long run).

    I am hoping to figure out the best way to utilize the booth space we have already purchased. Something innovate, and new, and different. Something with the "wow" factor. I know this may be a stretch, but I feel like we have to at least try!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Instead of trying to sell anything at the show, why not thank your customers for their years of support and get to know them better. Ask questions, find out what people are using/needing. Find out how people are using your products. Find great stories of how your products have saved lives, businesses, etc. Do market research. Perhaps hire some freelance programmers to create some games that show off your touchscreens and let people sit and play. While people are queued up, talk to them.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I like telemoxie's suggestion of a lounge area. It's amazing how people will sit anywhere just to rest their feet at an expo. While they're at it, they can view a screen that shows off your product. Have your people there to talk to them.

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