
Topic: Customer Behavior

How Do U Change Customer Perception About A Product?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
most of us have experianced this seemingly difficult nature. how to change the perceptions & attitudes towards product?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Brand your tail off! Blast, blast, blast the target market with new image, updated info, new packaging etc.

    Look at what Schlotzsky's sandwiches did. They were a good sandwich shop from the 60's-70's and disappeared for about ten years. They came back with a new look, new ads, new menu items, but essentially the same sandwich from 20 years ago. Now people pay $6-$8 per!

    K-mart is another example. It was unable to make a complete 180, but it got close.

    "Classic" Coke is a "classic" example.

    I know I am forgeting about some incredibly popular stuff that used to be "bad", "cheap", "old", etc that is sitting on a shelf somewhere in my house.

    I hope this helps. (I'll let you do the google searches.)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi Vikrant,

    Good branding and positioning ideas from above. I would only add the option of changing the product itself. This action will certainly incorporate the branding and positioning elements mentioned to insure any product change is on target with the customer’s needs and wants.

    Chrysler recently introduced its new 300C (hemi motor optional). It replaces previous generations of front wheel drive sedans and it’s getting good reviews and sales. The auto industry is full of product design success stories. Steven Jobs is a big believer in industrial design – iMac and iPod. Hire a great industrial design firm, think form and function, improve quality, ergonomics, add colors, there are endless ways to make improvements or revolutionize THE PRODUCT and then go forward with great branding strategy and messaging. I think marketers sometimes forget they can influence the product itself (even when designing services).

    Great products do not sell themselves (even if buyer’s line up to buy new cars based on magazine editors comments). But great products can make the marketer’s job much easier.

    Hope this helps stimulate more thinking.

    - Steve
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    It's quite easy to change the perceptions and attitudes of people as it relates to a product. Just do the following...

    Try improving a product that doesn't need any improvement.

    Try improving a product that people love just the way it is.

    Try not to improve a product that people can't stand.

    Try to replace a proven product people like with one that people love to hate.

    Apply the above rules to the product line it fits and you will see peoples perceptions and attitudes change.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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