
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Open House Ideas For A New Home Builder Model

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a client who is a large home builder and just finished a new model and we are planning an open house. I'm thinking of newspaper ads, a radio remote, direct mail piece and online ads. Any one have any good ideas to strongly encourage people to come? We are planning on have food and entertainment. FYI- they ARE selling homes in this economy! Thanks
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    I would place display flags on poles all around the property, maybe a large balloon saying "open house" and somebody standing on the corner with a large "open house" sign, flipping it around, showing off and getting attention.

    best of luck

  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    Quote a banker/mortgage broker and in one of your news releases, publicize examples of financing deals that are being made. Have one of your mortgage colleagues on hand to answer any questions at the open house.

    Also consider door prizes. Publicize any big ones.
  • Posted on Member
    I would do a video - not long enough to show everything- but enough to show off nice features! Then blast it off to every realtor_ and lender in the area- and then blast it to your emailing list... Create a link to your you tube video and add that Url to every piece of mailing list!
  • Posted by Paticake41 on Member
    As a business owner myself, I know how expensive advertising can be! Don't forget your "free advertising"...word of mouth! Be sure to go to the mortgage companies and leave a flyer, or better yet, speak directly with the manager/owner. Most times, people are being pre-qualified for a house through their mortgage company and have no house selected to buy. It's a great advantage to a builder to establish a working relationship with mortgage companies, as well as, realtors.

    Lawn manicured, ribbon on the mailbox, your house will be ready to show!

    Be sure to place an attractive "Open House" sign at the front of the subdivision - you are right, houses are still selling.

    Don't forget the fresh flowers in the kitchen...with lilies that smell so wonderfully! A little aromatherapy going on will help people to enjoy their tour of your lovely showhome!

    Good luck!
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The key question is, "Why would someone 3+ hours away be willing to drive to see a home they can't buy?". The follow-up question is, "How can we make this event generate new business for us?".

    Since people can already see a gallery of pictures of prefab round homes (and perhaps there's also a national map of where they homes have been built), there's little reason to see one in-person unless: 1) I'm seriously thinking of buying one, or 2) there's a one-in-a-lifetime offer that I'm being offered (either a prize, discount, or special event).

    The follow-up question is what you really need to focus on: how go generate more than awareness - how to invest that $10K into more business.
  • Posted by k.pohlman on Accepted
    I'm not sure I'd drive that far either but I understand what you're getting at.

    I would say that you would want the give away to be big and have something to do with home improvement.

    Perhaps a significant gift card to Lowe's, Home Depot...etc.

    Depending upon how the homes are sold, you may want to target realtors or construction companies if homeowners receive them as kits.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Of course homes are selling-- this is a buyers market.

    I'd research demographics-- people who may be just a shade under your demographics but candidates to trade up-- target them and doorhang.

    Having food and entertainment is a draw. Fusion market with other stores for some great door prizes.

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