
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique My Website

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We don't spent much in ads but that's the whole point of the site, so we can pass on savings. Although, I would like to turn the few visits we get into conversions. What changes should we make to it?
I've just put an ad as an intro. Don't know if it was an smart thing to do. Please review.
Thx in advance.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    I believe your domain name is

    I took a look at the site:

    Get rid of the ad that starts the site. By the time I read it, it disappeared and you want as few clicks as possible for someone to get to the information that they want.

    The laptop moving in clouds is annoying on the home page. Get rid of it.

    Make it easy for me to figure out how much my laptop is worth. I tried your calculator and when I clicked on Sony, the entire list of laptops loaded again. I only want to see what sony models I have and go on from there. So I clicked on the model and the entire list appeared again. By this time, I have left the site. Make it simple.

    Your site is very busy. What people will want to know right form the start are the following items:

    1. How much is my current laptop worth.

    2. How do I get to to you (Shipping)

    3. Security - what measures are taken to make sure that my deleted files stay deleted and are not stolen.

    4. How easy is this process?

    5. Who is this company and are they reputable.

    If you came to me for a website redesign I would recommend that you start over. Take the 4 items above and build your site to reflect exactly what the process is. Make your site easy to use, easy to figure out the process and professional looking.

    Good luck.


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I agree with many of Brian's points.

    Additionally, since your site is implemented in Flash, it's basically invisible to search engines, which means you'll have a hard time organically having people find you.

    Your Website Grader score is 12 / 100 (
  • Posted on Author
    I know, sorry, I'm working on the estimator right now. thx for your comments!
  • Posted by babbsela on Member
    The font used in your navigation is not easy to read. FAQ looks like FAC. I also agree with everyone else. The laptop in the clouds animation doesn't add value to the site. It's annoying.

    When I click the "contact us" link, I get a runtime error.
    Get rid of the content frame and scrollbar. It makes the page less readable. If you make the recycling symbol on the About page smaller, your readers won't have to scroll.

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