
Topic: Advertising/PR

Lawn Signs And Postcard Mailers?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a company that sells/installs home improvement products. We receive alot of "free" advertising due to our store location with readerboard. I want to start placing lawn signs in the yards of the homes we work on (with customer consent of course). Logically, it seems that since we receive so much business due to our location, that placing signs in other areas we work in will also bring in business. In addition, I thought that each time we place a yard sign out we could also send a postcard mailer to homes within a certain radius of the location of the yard sign.

I guess my question, is whether this sounds like a good plan to implement and whether anyone has any data/experience if sending out the postcard mailer combined in addition to just the lawn sign, produces any extra results or if just one or the other is enough ?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted
    Placing yard signs in lawns where you are working is a "no brainer." It's very inexpensive - if you get just one job from it, you will pay for the whole supply of signs forever. This is similar to having trucks with your name, contact information on it.

    Combining marketing vehicles - post cards and yard signs in this case, for example - always is a stronger play than an isolated activity. The more touches the better. Post cards are OK. They are expensive and not very effective in a one-off use. However, I might suggest sending a greeting card instead. It will be opened/read much more than a post card. And to increase the effectiveness, if the client is happy with your work and amiable to this, have the post card come from them! Inside, the message would be a testimonial about your work. Ask them what they would like to say and then have the cards made with their words. You pay for the printing and postage, with their return address.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted on Author
    I like that idea of having the card come from the customer, however, I think by the time we got the testimonial, and printed the card, the job would be over and the lawn sign removed.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    It's pretty standard practice to put signs out. Simply name recognition should be helpful, but in terms of gettin people to make a decision, you're better off having someone do door hangers at the end of the day.

  • Posted on Author
    Michael-So you are suggesting door hangers as opposed to the postcards to get someone to made a decision?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If your service affects the outside of your client's home, show before/after pictures (or just the "before", with a teaser to see what it looks like now).

    By having a lawn sign, it's equivalent to a testimonial to the neighbors ("If Bob is using them, they must be good").
  • Posted on Accepted

    Make the mail piece look like an invitation.

    Let them know you are in the area and will be available to provide free estimates on xyz date.

    The real estate industry does this all the time just listed just sold. Mail to the closest 200-250 houses.

    We can help you.

    Thank you

  • Posted by michael on Member
    Absolutely. I mean, you can do postcards hand delivered. I'm just saying that your people are in the area already....a personal delivery is better than a mailing and you know it gets there...and it's cheaper.


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