
Topic: Website Critique

Constructive Criticism Requested

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We would like to overhaul our website but need constructive criticism / ideas to get started. Please review at

Thank you!
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    It seems fairly easy to move around in. It has good information. Very positive feel.

    Now a couple of criticisms..
    I dont like the top of page graphic - the color doesnt appeal to me.

    I hate the animation associated with the top of page graphic - I believe most people are beyond the animation stuff - seen it a billion times and yours slows down the flow of information

    I also recommend you center justify your page as opposed to its current right justification. It is unique but just doesnt feel right.

    All in all a very good site, with potential to be great.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I frankly find the page user friendly and attractive. The only thing I would consider is the letter type beside each photo. Perhaps something like Clarendon goes more with the friendliness of the page. What you have now looks more businesslike or like the letters typewriters had in the past. I would consider including also cultural events and the universities or colleges you have. For the rest of it my congratulations. Hope sometime to visit that part of the USA.
  • Posted by Linda Whitehead on Accepted
    Hi, here are a couple of things to think about.
    -I think you could benefit from reducing the amount of copy on each page. Go for a cleaner look and let the images speak for themselves. Less copy may entice better click-throughs for more info.
    -Have a look at your navigation-you may be able to simplify it using a drop-down approach. You may be able to cut down the number of pages. Try for fewer clicks for people to get the info they need. I would recommend involving a UI expert in the process (I am not one! :))
    -I am confused by the branding because the page header changes color on every page. You could think about going with a consistent color that represents your brand. Would give a simpler, cleaner look and more impactful.
    -Have a look at eliminating your pop-up windows You are losing the look and feel of the site as they are all text and no graphics. The branding isn't there. Pop-up windows don't always open consistently in all browsers. You lose the navigation back to the site.
    These are just a few suggestions. You have a lot of great content and it looks like a great place to visit! All the best.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I didn't see any analytics (such as Google Analytics) on your site. I suggest adding some so you can see who's visiting what areas on your website. That information will help inform future redesign efforts.

    To my eye, the home page is too busy - too much text, too many pictures and not enough white space. My eye doesn't now where to look first.

    I would've like to see map on your home page to clarify geographically where you serve.

    Also: Website grader gives your site a 28 / 100 (
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    Some good tips already here. Here's my two cents thrown into the mix. Well, 50 cents, maybe. ;)

    1) One thing I recommend is having a main navigation bar that is in the same place on every page -- including your home page. I find it confusing that there is no main navigation on the home page, rather there are "sections" that people should click on to get to those main navigation categories. With no main nav on your home page, there is no anchor to come back to ...

    2) I agree with Linda in a sense, but not that there is too much copy, but that the copy is forced to fill in every little nook and cranny, so it feels like there is no "white space" to balance the information. Adjustments with spacing between sections (to add some breathing room), and ditching the spread out text will help tremendously, I think, to ease that congested feeling that seems to be on most of your site pages.

    3) KUDOS on the outstanding photos. They say a lot without you having to say anything.

    4) Consider shrinking your header graphics a bit -- on my screen, they take up 1/3 of the entire screen -- too much valuable real estate given to something that doesn't provide as much informational value as the rest of the page.

    5) The colors on all the different sections would make more sense if you included those colors as part of the design of the front page -- for instance, the Parks and Recreation has a beautiful purple color -- with a few adjustments to your front page, you could provide that purple match to the Parks and Recreation area on the home page -- this will help solve that branding issue and yet keep the flavor of each section if you do this sort of thing with each section. It would be an easier fix to just make all the internal section pages the same, but I think you may lose a bit of the flavor you have ... which is nice and ... different.

    6) I don't get the Season Opener and Damsel in De-Stress things -- are those ads? Are they supposed to be announcements or news? The front page definitely needs work -- the big graphic at the top takes up close to 1/2 my screen and then those two ad things are right below it, and then I only see one row of the main categories. Keep the main categories above the fold if possible, the navigation issue (#1 above) will help with that too, I think. Be sure to ask yourself who is your target audience? What do you want them to do first when they get to your site? Second? Third? This will help determine the placement of things on your front page which will help things be a bit more intuitive for your site visitors.

    All in all, you have some real potential with the look of the site already. It's just ... cool. And comfortable. You can use that "coolness" in your overhaul -- to bridge the old design with the new one, so you don't totally kill your brand, but just make everything better.

    Good luck, hope this helps.

    Best Regards,

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative


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