
Topic: Advertising/PR

Promoting A Twitter Account

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What's the best way to increase Followers to a Twitted account?
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  • Posted on Author
    It's non-commercial. Just one person's editorial viewpoint on the ongoing political and economic events. The account is @WheresMyTrumbil (see the 1st entry for an explanation of the the name).

    The goal is just to widen the readership.

  • Posted on Author
    damn...misspelled the account...its: @WheresMyTumbril
  • Posted on Accepted
    For increasing followers in your desired area, use blogs to create awareness about ur twitter account where you can paste the article and information related to your targets, who may be interested in that particular information.
    Invite your friends or proffesional link who are on other sites like facebook, orkut, linkedin, blog followers anywhere, invite them to follow you.
    Twit articles and write about information useful to your network links.

    Spreading Smiles :)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It may sound harsh, but why should someone (who doesn't know you) care about your viewpoint? Unless you already have a impressive resumé, you gain followers by being a follower yourself and creating a dialog with those that you follow, and hope to be endorsed by them.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Create captivating content that helps people for free and you will make waves.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Make sure to add your twitter name to everything you send out (email signature, facebook, myspace, blog, business cards, name tags at events, etc.) Also make sure you create dialogue with current followers. Your conversations should be interesting enough to make others want to start following you. Good luck!

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