
Topic: Website Critique

A Web Dev Question - Submenus

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
This question is for someone who knows a bit about web dev. I realize I am stretching the scope of this forum a bit (apologies to anyone offended!), but I am nonetheless hopeful that someone can provide the tip that we need.

For our revised website, we have created submenu items under the main menu in Javascript (site is done in Dreamweaver). Now, the menu does not stay consistent, based on screen size and browser (it goes off-center, does not adjust with screen size).

Our current submenus were done in Javascript, but since Adobe bought Macromedia, the feature has been removed/changed and we can not recreate it.

If anyone knows a good web developer (or is one), I imagine this may be a simple fix for someone who is in the know.

For purposes of maintaining the focus of this forum, if you think you can help, please give a brief reply and we can then discuss it further outside of this forum.
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  • Posted by affordable on Accepted
    Try using Suckerfish /SuperFish javascript code. With a little CSS editing you can get these to look how you wish. This works with both "standard" html pages as well as with CMS products like Joomla.

    A good starting point is:

    We use the Joomla version on the web site

    Tim Ballering
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    There's a great selection of free submenu code easily integrated with Dreamweaver at:
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since many of the menus are using basic HTML code, not a problem for SEO at all.
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    I know this is a bit late in coming, but we use simple Unordered List HTML code for our menus. Nested ULs create nested menus and the possibilities are endless.

    It doesn't take any special programming, just CSS for formatting and is very SEO friendly and extremely flexible. Looks like the same coding that OpenCube supplies, except it's free.

    Jennifer P.
    XPRT Creative

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