
Topic: Advertising/PR

Marine Electronics Biz Needs Ideas! Help!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our company, Destination Marine, located in Wrightsville Beach, NC is a high end marine electronics business. We outfit large boats and yachts with depth finders, internet, satellite tv/radio, sonar, emergency call info, all of the top of the line products. Looking for some ways to generate a buzz or advertising without breaking the bank. Any ideas? So far I am just getting them to do the basics: yellowpages, website, fishermans post newspaper ad...looking for unique and creative ideas. THANKS A MILLION!
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  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    I'd say you should consider Search Engine Optimization, article marketing, and blogging. These will show case your expertise in these areas. The SEO benefits will come from sharing your knowledge in the right way.

    I recently blogged about this:
    Thoughts on Search Engine Optimization

    I work for the StreamSend Email Marketing service but I occasionally blog about other marketing and business topics that I have some knowledge about. I have to say you are in a great position because you are in a business where your expertise can help sell your products. I think most people would do a fair bit of research before they purchased products like the ones you sell.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    How come I can't find your website? That should be your top priority now.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    I agree with Michael - you need to get your website in place. Make sure you do your homework on how people are searching for yacht electronics and ensure these phrases are integrated into your website. Add web analytics (Google Analytics) to help measure your traffic and how they use your site. Write a regular newsletter on relevant issues and have people opt-in to receive it electronically. Finally, videos of before/after installs would be a nice "oooh" factor.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Agree with website--you NEED one. Also, GamesCampus has great ideas..use photos whenever and wherever possible. Also, get testimonials from happy, existing customers for use in website, direct mail flyers and ads.
    Good luck!

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