
Topic: Website Critique

I Need To Improve My Website Response Rate

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I am a partner in a B2B IT company selling Software/Services in the UK, We have a website that we created about 12 Months ago. For our technology area (data migration) we receive a fair number of visits (500 a month). I don't know what a decent response rate should be but we have had probably 5-10 interested responses (calls/emails/filled out contact forms) from the web site in 12 months. People are staying on our site and browsing it, they aren't picking up the phone or filling out the contact us page.

I am not a marketing expert so I need pointers to any resources available or general guidance on this subject.

I would also welcome anyone to look at the site ( and suggest improvements.
Obviously if you do this for a living, this maybe beyond a KHE question, if so could you email me to discuss how much it would cost to get the help and advice I need.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I just sent you an email. Perhaps we can talk.

    Thank you!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    If I understand, 5-10 responses total out of 6000 unique hits is not unusual. Some sites I have watched have similar response rates.

    The fact that they are staying at your site for more than just 1 page is a good sign. One of the sites I am working with is avergaing less than 2 pages per visitor, so the folks are getting to the site, but not sticking around.

    Two suggestions:

    1) take steps to increase the number of hits. Search Engine Optimization, various promotions which have your web site featured, etc. Lots of questions and answers related to that on this site, so you can go the search question option to see what you can find.

    2) take steps to capture information on the folks who are there, so you can follow up with these leads. Provide a white paper, demo, etc. that provides value to them, and for which they need to provide some basic information in order to receive. For example, on HELPUHIRE Solutions' site, we have a way to demo the application. At the same time the demo is working, we also capture some basic info (name, email, etc.) which are provided as part of the demo. Many sites that offer white papers require that you provide informationm to download the white paper.

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