
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To Get A Customer - Marketing Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi All,

Small marketing & design consultancy.

I'm loking for non-standard, unconventional ways to get new customers or their attention.

Ok the best way is just to meet them and show the offer, but... well there is a little "but" - we hate "cold-calling".

We have strong experience working for cosmetics industry.

So what do you think guys? Any great ideas?

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Instead of cold-calling, start networking. Don't just try to sell, also try to see how you can be of service to your network. Networking can be formal (Chamber of Commerce mixes) or informal (enthusiastically talking to people you meet).
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Extend your networking efforts with social media. Provide tips and product information to a targeted list of followers on Twitter, create a fan page on Facebook, answer questions on ProfNet...

    Start the buzz online and build upon it in person.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Yes, networking would be your first bet. But nothing will get results faster than picking up the phone and making the call. I would be living under a bridge if I didn't cold call. Take a class and get over it. Mine your local biz journal or trade mags and make those calls "warm". When you call you can refer to an article and describe how you've helped clients like theirs.

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    I'm such a huge fan of cold-calling (because I enjoy it so much) that I'd suggest you find someone to do it for you. Someone who likes it.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    In the past I have done professional cold calling on behalf of a number of advertising agencies, video production companies, graphics design firms, and so forth. Yes, cold calling by phone can be a good first step. But do not expect to discover qualified opportunities by phone. You will need to meet people face to face.

    In my experience, no one will tell you during an initial phone call about their real problems. Some will tell you that they are extremely happy with their current agency. If they tell you anything else, if they offer the slightest hint that all is not perfect currently, you need to go and see them.

    Some would say that you should call to try to discover opportunities, and then qualify the opportunities, and visit the qualified opportunities. I disagree. I believe that you should prequalify companies before you make any call. You should only select companies for your call list which are in the right target market for you, which are the right size for you, which have a history of buying professional creative services.

    There are a number of online sources for you to prequalify companies. If you would like some additional advice, please feel free to e-mail me (click my profile to the right or my e-mail address). The very best of luck to you.
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    Holding an event or an open house is another way to make the cold calling not so... cold. Of course, the event has to offer something to the attendees to get them there -- interesting seminars, free lunch, something like that.
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    How about giving direct mail a try? Build a strong mail list, contacts you really want to get to know better. Make sure you have correct spelling, current titles, etc. then drop a cute, little, useful novelty item (cosmetic industry is rife with them) that everyone will want for him/herself, spouse, kid, whatever. A catchy tag line accompanies it and off you go--U.S. Mail does part of the job with/for you. Don't forget to end it with a closing, call to order. Takes the angst out of cold calling when you call to be sure they received it...and ask for an appointment to show them what you can do!

    Seasons, industries, local and national happenings--just look in any promotional/novelty catalog or website and off you go.

  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    With the exception of Michael and Dave (Telemoxie), no one really likes cold calling. However, as the experts above have said, cold calling is the fastest way to prospect. Networking yields results, but typically it takes 8 to 10 months to build trust before networking yields results. People don't open up their own company or their Rolodex to you. Just because you can hold a drink and a plate of cocktail weenies and pass out your business card all at the same time doesn't qualify you for trust. Seminars. workshops, and other events work, but it takes 3 months or more to set things up and market these events. Also, it takes money to market them. You have to send post cards or at least emails multiple times and then, if you really want people to show up, you have to call - e.g. you will be cold calling anyway.

    Any other "clever" marketing activities will take some time to develop and gel. If you have lots of business already and can afford the wait, then great! Go for it.

    On the other hand, if you don't have the time to wait for other marketing activities, but you do have money to hire someone to cold call - then do that!

    Here's one idea you can work on that might yield results quickly: Do you have clients already? If you do, and they are happy with your work, then you should leverage your clients for referrals. Have them introduce you to prospects. This can happen in a short time frame if you are competent at asking. And when you meet with these prospects, you will either have new clients from which to seek referrals. And if it doesn't work out that you can help these prospects, you can always ask them for referrals before parting. What's the worst that can happen? They can tell you "no?" And if they do, you are not further behind than you are before you ask.

    But, similarly, what is the worst that can happen with cold calling? No one has ever died during a cold call. If the person you are talking to is rude or nasty to you, does it really change your worth? It's their loss, not yours. They just missed an opportunity to work with a great firm who can increase their company's profit.

    And speaking of "great firms," there's a bit of irony here. Don't take this as criticism or me being flippant. Sometimes we're all too close to a problem with our own company to see the solution that for ourselves that we'd recommend to a client. If I were you, I'd be saying, "I'm in the marketing consulting biz, right? And I'm asking them how to market us? If I can't do that, maybe I should think of a different way to make a living!" In the spirit of "physician, heal thyself," read your question and pretend it's from one of your clients asking. What would YOU tell them to do? I bet you'd start with understanding their goals, their competitors, their customers, their products/services, their budget - and then design a set of activities to meet their needs. Right? Analyze your new "client's" situation and put something together to meet their needs. I bet you will come up with a better solution than we do because you know all the facts - we don't.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Accepted
    design a portfolio of your work.This would Help you out in getting more work.Networking is one of the best solution to any business related problem.Never try to sell your product directly.Build confidence and relationship with the client first. That would automatically give you business.Once trust is builded your business starts get going.Calling,social networking sites,etc..are few quick forms of getting to the place where you want to go as people know you better and quickly by better try out making portfolio of your work start presenting it to your prospective and potential clients.


  • Posted on Accepted
    As a former VP of Marketing I've heard every cold call approach imaginable from firms like yours and for the most part they fall on deaf ears. There is only one approach that works and that is addressing a specific problem your prospect is currently facing. You can learn what problems your prospects are worrying about through a systematic research approach. Once armed with information about your prospect's most urgent problems your cold calling will become easy and very effective in generating that all important first meeting. My firm Marketing To Marketers specializes in this type of research for those who do not wish to do it on their own. Steve Aronson

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