
Topic: Website Critique

Good Length For Online Introductory Video

Posted by ajanzer on 125 Points
What is a good length for a video, on a website homepage, meant to describe the benefits of a solution?

I'm working with several clients that are adding video to their websites. While I am a writer and do not create the video, I can provide some input on the content and length of the video, even if it is sourced through a video specialist.

I ask because one video company came back with a 4 1/2 minute video, which instinctively feels too long to me.

This is a B2B, technical sale.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    It is my observation that most people will listen for 30 seconds if they are marginally interested, 2 minutes if they are ready to buy.

    Anything over 4 minutes had better be there as training.

    You can experiment with these videos. see how many people click away from them before they are done.
  • Posted by ajanzer on Author
    Thanks, Frank and Mike. Frank's point about the fact that you've got maybe 30 seconds to convince them to keep watching is a good point. And Mike, your research and experience is very helpful. Thanks also for the web hosting tips.
  • Posted on Accepted
    One thing to know first- is this a video that the user can control (start and stop) or is it something they have to sit through before they can see your home page? If it's the latter, there is no acceptable length - it's a practice that should never be done.

    If it's a user-controllable video, the best way to structure the flow of information is as follows: have the video be around 30 seconds and use it to present your very best marketing/sales message. After that, give the user options to click on links for more information about the points you just presented. What is important to you may not be important to them, so let them find what they want quickly because they won't sit through a long presentation.
  • Posted by ajanzer on Author
    Derek - it is user-controlled. In fact, not many people are clicking on it at the moment, I think the length is a deterrent. I like the idea of 30 seconds and then giving them links to more detailed content. Thanks!
  • Posted by jcasalou on Member
    Anything over 1min seems excessive for an intro to anything.
  • Posted on Member
    Don't get wrapped up in your lede. Get to the point and stick to 1:30 max.

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