
Topic: Advertising/PR

To Promote A Hypno Show For Tourists: Hire Or Diy?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Although I’m a psychologist, I’ve always fancied doing a stage hypnosis show. I’m starting to think it’ll be a great way to market my practice, as I do use hypnosis in my clinical focus (treating phobias/anxiety issues).

I have a decent show, but I want to perfect it—make it smooth & entertaining. I have the whole summer, as I won’t even be licensed until the fall (or able to accept insurance, so this is down time for me).

Near where I live is the 3rd street promenade, a place where tourists come to shop and eat right in Santa Monica. Right in the middle is a small theater that seats 60.

So an idea I had was to rent the theater and do a weekly show for the tourists (I’d rather do it for tourists because I can keep the show the same and just focus on improving other aspects of the show). The rental costs aren’t that bad—about $200.

I tried this out a few months ago and it didn’t work out well. I hired a girl off of craigslist to hand out postcards—but my friend told me she didn’t do it very well—just handing it out to people randomly. Also, I had the show on a Saturday at about 3pm. In the winter.

For a stage hypnosis show, it’s important to get in as many people as possible—as close to 60 as I can (the more people, the more volunteers, the better the show). Now, every Saturday a guy runs a stand-up show and he said it can be hit-or-miss. That it’s an illusion: even though there are lots of people, they are more interested in shopping.

But I don’t know if he’s right. First, I think naturally people are more curious about stage hypnosis than a random comedy night. Second, I think his marketing was just him standing outside and calling for people to come in.

I’m thinking that if I made some modifications—a better time, the right girl, a poster, flyers, the right price (my first show I didn’t charge anything)—I could have a full show. There’s also a bunch of nearby hotels.

I remember from college a professor talking about how when they were giving away kittens for free, no one would take them. When they changed the sign to read “Amish Kittens -- $12” people flocked to take them up. They weren’t really Amish— but by giving that name and charging, it worked! I’m looking for that kind of inspiration for my show. A strategy designed for my current situation.

Now, even though I’m a psychologist, my focus is mostly clinical. I know enough about marketing to know I don’t know much at all about marketing. And even though the theater rental price isn’t that bad, I don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars and weeks of the summer figuring out a good combination that will get people in.

So I’m wondering, should I hire someone to help me? Perhaps a pharm rep looking for work? Who would know how to pick the best strategy for this particular situation? Is there a great book I could read? Or a net forum (such as this) that could point me in the right direction? Or should I just hire people to stand outside the theater to generate hype (may or may not be a bad idea).

I’m don’t’ think I’ll be making money from this – I’d be happy to break even. These shows would be a great way to develop a stage hypnosis routine I could later use for corporate events/marketing. So even though I don’t have too much money in my back account (right out of grad school, right before I can get my license/take insurance), I’m willing to invest a little.

So any thoughts? Any referrals? Thanks for reading!

-- John
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  • Posted by bill.hall on Member
    I am a full time marketing person now, but years ago was a professional magician, doing magic, ventriloquism, psychic/fortune telling, and yes, hypnotism (not all in the same show mind you).

    In any event, here is what I can tell you: If you want to be taken seriously in your future profession, do NOT be a stage hypnotist.

    You do not need to know anything about real hypnotism to do an act of this type. (I did some of this and although I like psychology, I am not qualified to treat anyone). Your skills will need to be more about showmanship and magic arts than in your actual field.

    Stage Performing is complex and, if not properly done, will lose you money every time. You are best to have others handle the stage administration and you just get paid to perform. Then, you can learn from that and take a crack at it if you like. Yes, I did shows at the high school for halloween or the occasional midnight ghost show and pulled in a few thousand dollars. However, there were massive posters around town, radio appearances, publicity, tie in to charitable organizations, promotions linked to the high school, complex refreshments and souvenirs, girlfriends selling photos of me (that I signed for the kids) and refreshments, and the local audio/video buffs volunteering in return for a few beers and a nice meal.

    To perform weekly, takes a lot of advertisement and affiliations.

    So, what do I recommend? Well, if you are serious about being a psychologist, do NOT do stage hypnotism, it simply is not related at all.

    If you want to do a show anyway, then I would recommend that you advertise for private parties instead. They are good money and less complex to navigate through, especially if you have no experience.

    The ideal way is to start with some free charity work and then work from the referrals. If you don't get referrals or hired, then you are not good enough yet to collect money!

    Just remember that stage hypnotists are magicians, psychics are magicians, and fortune tellers are magicians. None of these are psyhologists!

    Hope that helps - Bill

  • Posted on Author
    Well, the idea is that a company would invite me to do a show and then afterwords I'd answer any questions anyone had. I did such a show at a corporate center and got 3 new clients, though they are all waiting for my insurance to kick in. My corporate shows would be more demonstration-esq. Professional yet funny.

    As far as marketing-- I think there's a difference between doing a show for locals vs. tourists. Radio appearances and promotions wouldn't be applicable; I'm looking to get people to come in just on impulse.

    It's similar to what happens in Vegas, where most people come in just spur-of-the-moment.
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    I'm with Bill on this one. I've publicized psychotherapists and there are bundles of ways to generate client interest.

    A live stage show is entertainment and undermines your credibility as a true psychotherapist.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    There's nothing wrong with having a public entertaining persona and a private professional one. As others have indicated, it may create a negative influence on your private practice (or it may attract people who want the celeb hypnotherapist to treat them).

    If no one knows your stage routine, then you have an uphill battle to start with. Trying to lasso people off the street will be a problem when the weather is good, since tourists won't want to come inside and sit (no matter what price your seats are). Better would be to be where the tourists are already sitting - at local restaurants that offer floor shows, and yours could be one of the shows offered. Use the restaurant (or other public appearance) to hone your show first, and build your name second. Eventually, once your act/name have a good reputation, then consider striking out on your own, since you can then just focus on the marketing aspect (instead of the show itself).
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your responses.
    I think that Jay put an answer to the question-- given that I'm already committed to having a stage-hypnosis show.

    I think I might just take that restaurant route.

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