
Topic: Customer Behavior

Not Getting Customers

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have ourhandyman. website. I'm getting lots of page views and hits but very few calls for jobs. Is there anything I can do to impove this on the website.
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  • Posted by mickey.griffith on Accepted
    Well, I don't think the layout or design of the website is necessarily the issue. I think it's clean and easy to read and it looks professional. There does seem to be an issue with the left hand menu items not always working correctly though. And that can be frustrating and more than enough to turn people off.

    The real issue I see though is that you're not pointing out the pain to the visitor. You're also not making the benefit immediately clear. You need to make them sick and then give them the cure. That doesn't mean you need to be the harbinger of doom, but you need to clearly and quickly show them that you're solving a problem for them.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Are you doing any other type of adv/mktg for your company other than a website?
  • Posted on Author
    I have tried Thompson local which cost me |£1500 and this did nothing for getting any new customers - there were 5 people who called and only 2 people had a job done - £60 total.

    I advertise on viva street free classified, directories.

    I do have my old customers who tend to keep returning which is great, however i need to get some new ones.

    If you need any more info to help then let me know.
    Could my 0845 number be putting people off
  • Posted on Author
    Will something like this work......?

    I know how difficult to find the right person to do those small jobs around the home. You need someone that is reliable, good at what they do and give good value for money service. This is the telephone number of our handyman, so why not give him a call, I know he can help you.
    0845 095 1203
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since you're getting traffic, but not calls, I'll assume that either: 1) your website didn't impress them enough to act or 2) the wrong people are finding your site (those that are do-it-yourselfers, for example).

    If they look at your home page and bounce out (quickly), it's probably #2. If they stay awhile, and look through the site (where else do they go on your website?) then it's #1.

    As for your services, what makes your business special? Do you specialize in a type of repair? Do you arrive within 30 minutes of getting a call? Is your work guaranteed for a year? Are your prices appropriate for the benefit you're offering?

    (Aside: The menu on the left is also not working for me (running Firefox))
  • Posted on Author
    Jay. Thank you for comments

    I will get the links sorted out. I'm just moving server ands it's a pain.
    I am also changing my website to include some of the comments from here.
    I will also check awstats to find out answers for your questions.
    I will post again when all done
    Thanks for your time
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Consider adding extra, second tier keywords into your home page, and then link those keywords and phrases to additional pages deeper in your site, with those pages in turn linking to outside sites that your customers will know and respect.

    High street names, national suppliers, known brand names, all connected to your industry. If you set up affiliate links with these companies, any sale made by them from a link from your site will trigger a payment to your company.

    When these outside, authority pages link to your pages (not your home page), they add extra credibility to your site. Why? because search engines are programed to do this.

    Make sure the links are relevant and that the content of the pages on other sites relate to your industry, and, more specifically, that those pages relate to the pain points of your prospects and customers.

    Also, consider adding a referral page to your home page, in which you offer existing customers a 100 percent discount on their job (25 percent discount per job) for the next four people they sign up or recommend to you and who then become clients. Meaning when your current client's four recommendations sign up and pay for a job from you, the person that signed them up gets the discount, but they only get this discount on the strength of a paid job from someone they've recommended to you.

    This builds your list and develops customer loyalty.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Right, for the purposes of this excercise, I have rapidly aged and am now a 45 year old woman, recently divorced, of slightly lower than average computer skills who needs some architrave replacing around a door and might have some shelves put up.

    I have stumbled across your website, and my first impressions are very, very good. Great colours, pertinent and attractive artwork, nice layout.

    I click on joinery:

    OK - first, as you know, your links at the side aren't working. Really annoying. As I am of low computer literacy I am impatient and nervous of websites. I could have clicked off to see other websites, but I like your site so I stay.

    I go up to 'Residential' as that is what I want but all it tells me is about your professionalism etc. I'm pretty sure that everyone rights about how professional they are in the first instance and frankly I'm pleased enough with your website - all I want is ideas of prices and without realising it, a prompt to get in contact with you. If there had been a quotation form to submit at this point (very short) you probably would have had me.

    I click on locations, expecting it to tell me if you do my area and there is more info about your professionalism but no area covered info!

    Disappointed and already thinking of the other sites listed on my original google search I notice the red box with the number in it. As you allow advertising on your site (nothing wrong with this, it is unobtrusive) I am not sure however, if this is your number or an advertisers. I am of course only scanning the site and not reading it properly (as punters do!!!). Your company livery is green and blue and this box looks totally different. I decide I dont really want to call the 0845 number as it seems a bit intimidating and unpersonal - after all, I just want a cheap as chips handyman. Actually, this all looks a bit expensive..... I click off.

    So, you lost me after about three issues. I strongly suggest getting a 'GET QUOTE' button in a very visable place. Some people are nervous of picking up the phone in case they get 'sold to'.

    I'd look at the colour on your contact number box, it's positioning and the 0845 number.

    Sort your links!

    It's old fashioned but tradesmen do well in local papers. Also keep an eye out for local ad-mags. Are you on Google Maps? Get signed up for your area - you can do every area.

    Hope this was of help.

    Kind regards


  • Posted on Author

    i have fixed all links and given the website a new look. I am working on deeper links. I have already got some articles in the bottom half of the webpage, which I have submitted to various article sites.

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