
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advt Copy

Posted by Anonymous on 80 Points
in india, to release an advt in hindi newspaper, can i use some words in hinglish ( hindi + english ). what is the impact of using a mixed language which ofcourse is easy to understand. the brand name ia an english word. any suggestions pl ?
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Hi Sanjay

    i concur with Nina in using English in Ad for a Hindi newspaper. You can always use English mixed with Hindi or any other local language in ads but Whether English should be used and/or the extent of how much English will be used in the ad depends on

    - the brand itself
    - the brand tagline and the positioning (i.e. for CitiGold/British Airways you can have the entire ad in English, no harm)
    - just like Nina said the brand Category
    - and target consumer and their profile.

    for brands of Carbonated Beverages, Chocolates, Electronics Goods, TObacco, Alcoholic Beverages etc. categories you can have ads in 100% English or English mixed with Hindi.

    For brands of categories like Home Care, Hair Care, Personal Care use of English mixed with Hindi must be carefully determined before actually published.

    if you are selling detergent powder/dishwasher/fabric-whitener catering to low to medium segment of mostly semi-urban consumers, then using of english may not probably serve the purpose.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hi sanjay,

    using hinglish is fine , but becareful that you use it in the right context. here is a website that shows some funny mix up's when english is used in the wrong way.

    it you are going to use hinglish then get a native specker to check that it is correct.

    hope this helps


  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Dear Frances

    pls email me regarding your queries and i will be delighted to serve you. Just click on my name and you will get my email address. Waiting for your email !


    P.S. In fact i have already emailed you, check that and hope to get your reply soon.

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