
Topic: Advertising/PR

Money To Spend - But Where To Spend It?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My company is a VAR (value added reseller) for several large technology firms who offer CO-OP funds that can be used for joint marketing and/or advertising activities. I currently have funds to spend that are expiring soon, but can't decide on what to spend the funds on.

The majority of our leads are generated online - and we are currently running several PPC and Banner advertising campaigns. Can someone give me some other ideas on where I might spend my marketing $$?

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Do you want to continue online spending? Or something offline (mail, print ad)? You could simply look at the campaigns you are already running and add money to the best-performers.

    It would also help if you could tell us some more about the product(s) you're selling and the target audience.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I have found that user based surveys can provide some valueable information. You may want to channel some of these funds into drawing prizes for participating in surveys.

    The prize is used to get the person doing the survey to provide their name, email and phone number. Then you have valuable information about the person and their contact information.
  • Posted by melissa.paulik on Accepted
    In my experience, MDF programs vary pretty widely in what they will cover. And, of course, how much you have left in your fund is a factor.

    After a couple of decades working with VARs, here are two areas that I see that usually need strengthening.

    1. SEO - You're already generating most of your leads online so perhaps you have this covered. if not, I'd think about spending funds there.

    2. Lead Nurturing - If you don't have a lead nurturing program that consist of more than an occasional phone call with prospects to "touch base" investing in that should be a top priority.

    There's a lot of things that you could spend money on if you need to spend it quickly. (Which is one of the problems with MDF programs. So much of the funding is wasted.)

    Let me know if you have more questions. This is a tough one to respond to without the details.

    Melissa Paulik
    The Marketing Survivalist

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you don't have 'em, develop case studies to explain the value of each of the technology products. Since you presumably have good traffic, you might want to boost conversion on your website.

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