
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique This Site (my Responsibility)

Posted by Dan.Welty on 500 Points
Beyond overall thoughts, I specifically am interested in whether I should be communicating the "instant why" we are different and why the visitor should engage further with us. I am toying with opening up a middle white space with positive type that offers a one-liner on what makes us better, different.


Thank you for your feedback.

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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Dan,

    Well, if the site you need opinions on is the URL on your profile page, you might want to check a few things at your end because sadly, Safari can’t open the page “http://mps4digital/” because it can’t find the server “mps4digital”.

    And if it's any other site, well, there wasn't a URL in your post. Please fix whatever needs fixing and let's go from there.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by bill.hall on Accepted
    Your site is very nice looking - I am not a fan of flash, but it's not too much on your site. I think you should definately pose a "reason for being" for why they should choose you versus somewhere else or nothing. Not self serving company history stuff but an "instant find" type of message - "Looking for ___?" "Need ____ custom fast?" etc. People on websites want to answer their questions very fast by glancing on your website. Ask "Why do people go to my site? What are they looking for? What questions do we get most often? What questions will they have? What do they want to see/know first? Then, design your landing page to answer them or link them to your answer/page in your site.

    Hope that helps - good luck!
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Absolutely. The page does not communicate what the company does, how it's different from, and better than, the alternatives, or why anyone should read any further.

    At first I thought it was all about tea and cheese (the images at the top of the page), and I couldn't figure out why the company is called MPS Digital. You have to read very carefully to figure out that it is in the label business, and that what these images have in common is that they have labels produced digitally by the same company.

    Especially since the company name is meaningless ("What does MPS stand for?"), and the taglines are tiny/not prominent, you owe your visitors some clue as to why they should be interested in the pretty pictures.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I had the same reaction as Mark. I thought the site was about food!

    1) You've absolutely got to state why you're different, what you do for your customers, and why people should buy from you.

    2) You've only got 8 seconds to get someone's attention; you've got to make them count!

    3) The white type against the dark background is hard to read and awfully small.

    4) Why should I print digitally? What will I get? Faster? Cheaper? Smaller minimum order size? Free samples (try before you buy?) Give me benefits!

    5) Take your wine industry page, for instance. It's all about you. You keep saying "our", "us". and "we", rather than "you" and "your".

    6) Your site visitors don't want to hear about you, they want to hear about themselves (what they get from your expertise, not the fact that you have it).

    7) The section about why to print digitally should be right on the home page, not buried behind a tab.

    8) If you've got different markets (wine, health, personal care), add tabs directing people in those industries straight to the information that's just for them: click here for wineries; click here for pharmaceuticals (etc).

    9) The testimonials are hidden. Put them where they're easier to find.

  • Posted by Dan.Welty on Author
    Thank you to all - particularly Jodi. My suspicions are confirmed - it the most undeniable way! Though we are a graphics company we need to communicate via the written word much, much more effectively.



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