
Topic: Advertising/PR

Leave Behind Piece That Will Be Kept

Posted by bill.hall on 250 Points
We want our field folks to have a simple leave behind that lists target types of buinsess within the product segment. (they are types of commercial apt insurance),
My ideas so far are the sell sheet (but not confident it will be kept), a photo mouse pad with the segments and phone number website on the mouse pad, a pocket folded piece, similar to the small folded pieces you get from Verizon and similar pocket pieces, a magnet with the info on it, and a small tent card for them to place on their desk. Any other ideas? I probably will have several of these pieces done. thanks!
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  • Posted by bill.hall on Author
    I did mean simple - I also should have clarified that these are agents/distributors of our products but we still need to inform/pursuade and remind them since they are independent agents.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I have always been a fan of high quality coffee cups. if I were in your shoes, I would meet with an expert in advertising specialties.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    If you want something that will stay around for a very long time, give your client a picture of themself - golfing, boating, at a reception... in a frame with your info on it.
  • Posted on Accepted
    If you sell insurance, you are really selling safety and/or peace of mind. To embody safety and inexorably associate it with your company in your customers' minds, what about branded personal first aid kits? (You can obtain theses from medical supply companies.) Simple kits - bandaids, cotton swabs, sterilizing wipes, Neosporin, etc. Of course, you would include your sell sheet in the first aid kit - communicating that your service is an important part of your customers' companies' well being.

    For peace of mind, what about a meditation candle or a relaxation/yoga pillow? Something that everyone in an occasionally stressful office can use and that is relevant to your unique message of peace of mind. You would include your sell sheet as a "scroll of serenity" - communicating that your service is an important part of your customers' companies' peace of mind.

    Whatever you decide, please make it relevant and useful to your potential customers and integral to your brand identity. You are not a computer company, and no one needs yet another mouse pad.

    One the leave behinds with which we have had the most success is for a restaurant client that does a lot of catering and event business, in addition to retail customers. For them, we designed a bottle of their signature seasoning where the label had all of the pertinent information (reasons they would want to have events at our restaurant or catered by our restaurant, as well as contact information). People loooove the seasoning, so everyone was grateful for it and they used it constantly. It was like touching each potential customer several times a week. Very importantly, the seasoning itself is essential to the restaurant's brand soul.
  • Posted by AdsValueBob on Member
    Maybe not totally what you're looking for, but we offer a product called KeeperMail It was along the same thought lines. Maybe it is an idea that will get you closer to your final objective.
  • Posted by bill.hall on Author
    There is a bit too much information for a promo item (unless it is a mouse pad for example) - the amount of info is enough to fill a small tent card or the front and back of a business card to give you an idea - sorry I was not more specific.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hello, The most important thing for you will be to choose products that are useful (so that they are kept) and have an exceptionally large imprint area to display your message. Here are a few ideas you could consider:

    Video Pen - This is an inexpensive item that offers an exceptional amount of message space. The text in the window on the pen changes each time the pen is clicked. You can put the logo on the barrel and have each of your services as the text that changes in the window:
    Mousepads do have a large imprint area. Besides the photo mousepad, you could also consider a calendar mouse pad:
    or a standard 2010 calendar with fun & informative custom pages:

    The eco grocery tote bags are still a fan favorite and they have a large imprint area. Your field folks could hand the clients your brochure inside the tote and print all the services & information on the outside of the tote as well. The newest in this type of product are the ones that can be folded down for easy storing when not in use:

    Coffee mugs are also a classic product that people will always use. If you have a LOT of information to fit in one space, you could consider a mug that has a full color paper insert. This allows you to use the space around the entire mug to display your message:

    I hope these suggestions help. Feel free to contact me through my profile if you would like more ideas.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    (Aside: With more and more people either using laptops with touchpads or optical mice. the mousepad wouldn't be of much use.)

    Since your goal is to sell more insurance, why not provide a comparison grid of your service/pricing to your competition?

    How about a free song download (like: describes) in exchange for their email address (so you can send a monthly insurance tips e-newsletter)?

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