
Topic: Advertising/PR

Direct Mail To Consumers By Law Office

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am an attorney with a start up law firm. We focus our practice on providing assistance to those in debt. Not necessarily bankruptcy and not debt settlement. We are former collection attorneys and are using our knowledge to create a plan for out clients, letting them know which creditors they can ignore, which ones they must pay attention to, general settlement parameters, defending lawsuits we can win, buying time for our clients to find jobs so they can pay their debts...

We are undergoing a website reboot, but also advertise via direct mail to those being sued or facing foreclosure. We are struggling with our direct mail letter. The bar extremely limits what we can say.

Here is what we came up with:

If you have already retained a lawyer for this matter, please disregard this letter.

Our review of public records at the Clerk's Office indicates that a debt collection lawsuit was recently filed against you. Debt collection lawsuits can lead to wage garnishments, bank account levies or creditors seizing your personal property to sell at auction. It may be in your best interest to consult with an experienced attorney. Once you are served with the lawsuit there may be time limitations to respond, so you must act quickly.

We formed {} to get our clients out of debt and fight back against the debt collection industry. We have twenty (20) years of combined legal experience in Florida, including eight (8) years as in house counsel filing thousands of debt collection lawsuits throughout the state. Our knowledge of the debt collection industry combined with our legal experience in debt litigation may be of great assistance to you.

[Let us prepare a plan that meets your needs, whether it involves fighting to win a debt collection lawsuit, settling a debt, helping you work through a foreclosure or, if all else fails, filing bankruptcy. Our only goal is getting you out of debt.]


[We can explain your options. We can help you prepare a plan to try to save your home, negotiate a new mortgage or give your property back to the bank or, if all else fails, filing bankruptcy. Our only goal is getting you out of debt.]

Take advantage of our free telephonic case evaluation by calling us at (866) 475-3328. Visit our website www. ..... .com, or take a look at our blog to learn more about getting out of debt.

I cannot get very dynamic. We also include our BBB accreditation, letterhead and a footer with office locations.

We use plain envelopes with our address and BBB Accreditation.

We just aren't happy and we don't know where to go next. This is a bootstrapped start up, so money is tight. Any advice would be appreciated.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    The biggest problem I see with your letter is that everything after the first paragraph is all about you. I would recommend that you go through each line and change the wording so that it is about the person you are trying to help. It doesn't matter what you want to do for them, it only matters what THEY get out of your help. Use the word "You" every chance you can instead of "I" or "We". Examples:
    "You deserve the advantage of having 20 years of legal experience and 8 years in debt collection experience on your side."
    "You have an invaluable opportunity to explore your options with an expert guiding the way, resulting in a personalized plan that will meet your specific needs."

    Try limiting the amount you say about yourself to perhaps 1 or 2 lines. This could be something like "(Law Firm Name) is on your side! After spending (X number) years working for the dark side of debt collection, we have crossed over and are now using our experience for good instead of evil."

    Also, are you required to tell the recipient exactly where you got their information? I would imagine that debt is a bit of a sensitive subject and provides embarrassment for those involved. You might start on the wrong note with prospects by telling them you are nosing around their dirty secret. This may be a matter of public record, but I doubt many would be comforted by that. Could you leave that line off? If not, perhaps you could phrase it in a way that feels less imposing. Maybe something like "Public records at the Clerk's Office indicate that a debt collection lawsuit was recently filed against you." By leaving your name out of that line, it makes it feel more like the records came to you, and less that you went out of your way to find the information.

    You also should try to make the letter more personal. I assume you have the recipients' names - use them! People LOVE to see their own names. Use them as often as you can in the letter. If you have access to the type of lawsuit that was filed, then you should probably create a few different versions of the letter that speak more specifically to the type of debt issue the recipient is facing.

    Lastly - you need your envelope to get opened. I, like most people, shred anything that even looks close to junk mail without ever opening it. If the recipient is in debt, you certainly don't want it to look like it could be a letter from a creditor. Put your value statement right on the outside of the envelope in big bold letters. You can even use pastel colored envelopes, use card sized instead of legal sized, use handwritten addresses, etc. Do whatever is necessary to get that envelope open, because if you don't, it won't matter what is in your letter.

    Hope this helps to point you in the right direction!

  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    First off, I have to advise you to stop looking at marketing as an expense. "This is a bootstrapped start up, so money is tight." Marketing is an investment. For every dollar you put in, you should get $10 back. You can't afford NOT to invest in marketing. While the investment takes some time to "take hold" - maybe as much as 6 months, depending on the activity you select - it also has a longevity and a multiplier factor. The more you do the more you get out. So cut every expense you can think of - buy USED furniture, get a lower priced copy machine, reduce salaries for a while - ANYTHING so you can maximize what you invest in marketing. 99.9% of start up businesses that struggle or fail do so because they did not put enough into their marketing. (87% of all statistics are made up on the spot for dramatic effect, but let's just settle that this is a problem for a whole lot of businesses!)

    That said, I climb down from my soap box and say thing: Phil is absolutely right! Your letter is WAY too long and technical! People buy on emotion, not intellect. These people are suffering! They are embarrassed, they are mad at their situation and blaming the creditors for wanting the money they don't have. They are helpless and scared. And they are tired. And they feel no one is there for them. Relate to these emotions. Be there for them. Be a friend they need. Say it simply. "Heard you might be going through some difficult times. If you have a retained attorney, great! We're glad you have someone to help. If now, give us a call. We would like to help you put your life back in order. Call us today and we'll let you know what we can do without obligation." Also, don't use the #10 Kiss of Death - the #10 business envelop! Send a greeting card. The card will be opened 99.9% of the time! (see note above on statistics).

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    you say that you are in a startup mode. Do you have any happy customers? Have you surveyed your customers to find out what they like the most about your services? Do you have permission to quote them?

    You know and I know that you can find at a tremendous amount of information about people's personal finances without their knowledge or permission. But does this make them comfortable, or more anxious?

    have you considered something like a free 15 minute consultation about credit by phone? yes, I did read a part in your letter which talked about a free case evaluation. But I for 1 am not interested in you evaluating my case, which I assume is a way for you to determine if you can make money from me. I am much more interested in your advice and guidance
  • Posted on Accepted
    What you should say is right in the first paragraph of your post (the letter is godawful):

    Want to get out of debt?

    We're former debt collection attorneys and we'll share our secrets with you.

    * which creditors you can ignore
    * the bills you must pay immediately
    * how to extend your payments


    Not "we", "us" and "our", but "you and "you." Forget the 20 years of experience and focus on what the client gets. As Seth Godin says, people want "ME" mail (not YOU mail); meaning what will you do for ME, ME, ME (check out his video below; it's short).


  • Posted on Accepted

    I have taken a "stab" to your letter by incorporating the "salient" points within it and "humanizing" the content - your letter was totally devoid of warmth, empathy and respect - emotions that these people you are contacting need in huge dosages...

    Dear _____________:

    We understand that despite your no doubt hard work and character integrity you might have had a financial setback, you are not alone in this as it happens to quite a few good people at least once in their lifetime.

    Our recent review of the Clerk’s Office public records indicates that there is a debt collection lawsuit filed against you currently. (Name of firm) only goal is to get you out of debt. We are committed to fighting back against the debt collection industry with every legal tool at our disposal.

    Once a lawsuit is served, there could be time limitations to respond, so you must act quickly. Regrettably, debt collection lawsuits can lead to wage garnishments, bank account levies or creditors seizing your personal property to sell at auction.

    Our knowledge of the debt collection industry combined with our legal experience in debt litigation may be of great assistance to you. We can explain your options and help you prepare a plan that meets your needs, whether this involves fighting to win a debt collection lawsuit, settling a debt, helping you work through a foreclosure or, if all else fails, filing bankruptcy.

    Let us help you resolve your situation. Our firm has twenty (20) years of combined legal experience in Florida, including eight (8) years as in house counsel filing thousands of debt collection lawsuits throughout the state.

    Call us for a free, no commitment over the telephone case evaluation at (866) 475-3328. Visit our website www. ..... .com, or take a look at our blog to learn more about getting out of debt.


    P.S.: This might be a difficult time for you but you do not have to go through it on your own, assistance is just a simple phone call away – talk to us. Call (866)475-3328 we are here to help.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Post card:

    "Do you know how easy it is to find out which neighbors are in debt collection?

    Almost as easy as letting the pros at HKD Law office get you off that list."

    Visit us online at


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