
Topic: Website Critique

Pre-launch Website Critique (today, Please)

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
Would appreciate candid comments - pro and con - regarding the following site under construction: [inactive link removed] .

Many thanks.


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Phil,

    Here’s my humble two cents’ worth.

    The text on your top row of links might be better in upper and lower case. Have you considered using a photograph to boost your presence (the man behind the name)?

    I’m not sure about the overall size of your copy. On my browser (OSX Safari) is seems overly large.

    Likewise, I’m wondering if serif type would work better (an aid to legibility?). Have you considered a name/e-mail capture box, to help build a list to mail to (newsletters, free reports, etc.).

    How about a short video introduction “Hi, this is Phil and I specialize in delivering results!”. Likewise, would it serve you better to make more of this line “I specialize in delivering results!” under your name. It’s more direct.

    The copy on the link column on the left of your site is HUGE.
    Is there a good reason for doing this?

    Overall, I like the colour and the general layout. I’m just wondering if the site would benefit more from the addition of
    more of your personality.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Phil, I tried the link and it didnt come up.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I finally did get in.
    Here are my comments, please bear in mind I am overly sensitive because I am redoing my website right now.

    1) everything is too big. The page flows on forever. Great information. But I fear many people will not take the time to scroll down on the front page.

    2) I like the color choices.

    3) the Free Live Links looks like it was scanned. I appears a bit ragged.

    4)the blue part with your name across the top takes up way more realestate than it should - a problem on my site too.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I don't think I've ever said this before, but the font is WAY too big. It hurts to read (I'm using OSX Firefox).

    The bullet fingers don't seem to be aligned properly with the text they're pointing to.

    The FREE! 101 Live Links image is jaggedy. I clicked on the link and was surprised to see airlines. I was expecting something more directly business-related (useful blogs, or software, or virtual assistants, or perhaps even links to SCORE, SBA, etc.).

    Typos in the second block in the nav bar on the left:

    30 Money-Making Secrets...
    1) ...Secrets No One EVER (not every) told you.
    2) definitely want to read this IS (take that out) book
    3)...reader described AS...., add period at end of sentence.

    101 Questions

    1) While YOU'RE browsing (not your)

    ..About Your Butt

    What is this doing here? It seems out of place


    (Sentence rewrite):
    You can do the same - quickly and easily.


    sales professionals (no caps)

    Contact form:

    The number 300 shows up right after the message box.

    Now for the meat of the matter:

    I'm not really seeing benefits here. You're offering to critique web sites and write convincing material, but you're not really convincing me. What will be the result of the critique? What kinds of things will you find (and fix)? How will your efforts save me money, time, or effort?

    You're saying "me" and "I" and "my" too much, instead of "you" and "your." You're talking about yourself almost as much as you talk about your customers.

    I'm not getting a clear idea of what kinds of clients you are looking for. You've got so many different types of businesses listed, it's a bit of a blur. Do you have a particular niche? Do you want B2B or B2C clients? Which industries? What kinds of services (again, you have so many listed it's a bit overwhelming).


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The title of your home page is too long. Consider: "Expert Copywriting and Marketing Help By Phil Grisolia".

    Your contact information is hidden: no phone # and no email address. Was that intentional (communicate only via contact form)?

    The FAQ/Pricing/Guarantees/Timing/Samples/etc. tabs all jump to the same FAQ page (but different anchor text). That confused me initially.

    The left-hand column in your "Phil's Books" page is wasted space.

    The light blue headers is a bit hard on my eyes to read. Perhaps darken it?

    The Click Here in your left column (on home page) jumps to your books page. The Click Here to order jumps me to your Amazon page. Why not have the Click Here to order order the item directly (rather than make me click yet again)?

    Your banner image (hands on a keyboard) isn't memorable.
  • Posted by AdsValueBob on Member
    A few more things to look at . . . . in addition to the other good points made previously:

    1. If you haven't already planned it, consider adding Google Analytics code to each page to track traffic to / through the site.

    2. The links for the most part are unrelated to the content of the site. Why would I want a link to Orbitz or the US Post Office while I'm searching for your services. Consider only links related to your web site topics / services.

    3. This design is lackluster (considering the other fine work in your designer's portfolio) and navigation across the top is poor. When you navigate to any page, the navigation should remain in view for viewer convenience. Navigation across the top is not where a visitor expects to see it.

    4. The Live Links on the Home page is a waste of valuable marketing space. A visitor did come to your page for links. You have 2.824 seconds to capture a visitor's interest or they are gone.

    5. Way too much information on the Home page about the books - use smaller graphics (or no graphics), use only a few words that capture interest (WIIFM) for each title.

    6. Consider showing a few pages of each product to whet their appetite.

    7. Despite a visitor ultimately purchasing from Amazon, consider putting some information on your site about "Money Back Guarantee" and methods of payment, Customer service, etc. to build trust in the your company and an internet purchase BEFORE they get to Amazon. They don't know that the transaction is on Amazon while making their purchasing decision - looks like from a small company with no contact information which is a big e-commerce no-no.

    8. If you wish to see how your site appears on other browsers see

    9. On the Marketing Services page - Using Unmatched Skills - "Drop me an email anytime" - there is no email address here or on the Contact Us page. Heck - there isn't even a Contact Us link on the navigation bar where a visitor expects to find it.

    10. Your META tags are in need of some serious lovin'.

    Got to run - call if you wish to discuss further. I have some other ideas too.


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