
Topic: Website Critique

Please Critique E-commerce Website

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What about our website would prevent or discourage you from purchasing our products? The navigation is obvious and that's currently being re-worked but feel free to hit on that as well.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I like the overall feel of the site. The colors and navigation are good. the general feel of the site seems well tuned.

    I can't help but notice there is no mention of energy savings - which is a big play in LED lighting. And I saw nothing that provides thoughts on life expectancy.

    Many of the folks driven to LED lighting are moving that direction because of green initiatives. To leave that stone unturned may cost you business.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Tim,

    Your site is really first rate, both as a sales site, and in its overall appearance.

    You might want to rearrange your images a little because the 30% banner's a little bit big. You might also want to look into making more of the energy saving ability of LED systems, a point that will be well made on your home page if you reduce the size of the 30% element.

    You might also want to look into some kind of name capture system (name and e-mail in exchange for a free report) to help build your list.

    And as an ethical and well respected online business, if you want to increase your sales by between 10 and 17 percent, you might want to look at the great benefits outlined in Jimmy Sweeney's Honest E Online.

    Honest E Online is a self policing online quality seal, similar in nature to the Better Business Bureau. The members of Honest E Online report sales increases that make the monthly membership price a small price to pay.
    It's NOT some kind of hit and miss outfit, it's backed by over two year's worth of online testing and research and it's used by thousands of online merchants around the world.

    You can read more here

    I hope this helps.

    Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington,DE, USA
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Website Grader gives you a score of 90 / 100 ( From a technical perspective, adding alt-text to your page will help your SEO.

    I'm not a fan of two sets of menus: the main horizontal menus and two sets (Shop Our Products & Help). Can you combine into a single menu structure?

    Also - make your toll-free phone # easier to find. It's hidden above your search box.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for the comments. The reason we don't hit on the energy savings is because we have another website that is just for LEDs. Although I will see what the brass thinks about pushing the LED track systems more since it's more of a buzz word.

    Honest E Online looks and reads just like every other get rich/lose weight quick scam. I found no reviews on their program. The only real information I could find is that it's an affiliate program.

    Personally, I find these types of seals of approval mean absolutely nothing. It's like paying someone so that you can use them as a reference on your resume.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Tim,

    Sorry to hear your opinions on HonestE Online.

    You are, of course, free to think whatever you choose but it wasn't my intention to thrust this system on you: it was merely for your review. True, there is an affiliate program of which I'm a member, but again, my intention was for you to review the material and form your own conclusion.

    I do not, nor will I ever believe in the hard sell.

    On the point of HonestE Online looking and sounding like a get rich quick scheme, well, again, you are entitled to your opinion but Jimmy Sweeney (the force behind HonestE Online) would, I'm sure, beg to differ.

    Were you to ask for social proof I'm sure Mr. Sweeney would be delighted to point you in the direction of several well-known online marketers who have all seen their conversions and sales increase as a result of using the HonestE seal; online marketers who, you might be interested to learn, all net millions of dollars annually.

    On your point about LED fittings, you might want to consider adding a highly visible link to your sister site, a link that boasts
    the benefits of LED fittings. This could increase your traffic and help boost your conversion rates.

    I hope this clarifies things. Again, good luck with your site.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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