
Topic: Advertising/PR

"congratulatory Ads"

Posted by connors on 125 Points
The business I work for is receiving a noble healthcare award that is the first of its kind in the state. I'm thinking of asking a high ranking government official if he would allow us to post a congratulatory "quote" from him in print ads. However, I want to do so in a classy manner.

Does anyone have a favorite ad campaign to share with "congratulatory" sentiments?
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  • Posted by connors on Author
    Thank you for your response!

    I'm looking some great examples of congratulatory-ads. Not to copy, but to inspire me and our designer. I don't want to do the "expected" approach for the design, etc. But yet I want to keep it simple and to-the-point. Any favorite campaigns that you've seen? I think, if done in the right way, this type of approach can add great credibility.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    If the target is a government official rather than an elected politician, I think you'll be very lucky if they are prepared to go public with an effective endorsement of your organisation.

    For my money I'd rather go with PR of the event with comments from key attendees. If you attract local or state politicians, they will usually be only to glad to give a doorstop comment to a media outlet. It's a completely different proposition to an ad, and you won't have any control over what they say.

    Therein lies the rub - and the power - of PR versus advertising.

    If you want to stick with your advertising strategy, and want to do what is effectively an endorsement or a testimonial, go more for high-profile celebrities or industry personalities. Or plain old consumers of your product.

    Good luck.

  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Re Chris B reply--Amen. IF you can get a neutral (non-partisan) congratulations from 'high ranking government official", try for a photo of 1) your top person (CEO?), 2) the top person making the award and 3) the 'goverment official' perhaps with the [tangible] award in plain view. Then, post the photo w/PR to all local, state and national news sources, as well as at your main lobby where employees, visitors, vendors and everyone else can readily see it. Take great pride in this accomplishment.

    Sorry I don't have a sample ad to share; everything depends on $ in your budget, message to be said, photo size, publication, etc. Consider making the ad into a post card for mailing to employees, prospects, suspects, etc. Good going!!


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