
Topic: Just for Fun

Marbles And Bayes

Posted by adammjw on 500 Points
Ina tv game show, you can win 10,000 dollars by guessing the composition of red and white marbles in a nontransparent vase. The vase contains a very large number of marbles. You must guess whether the vase has twice as many white ones as red ones. Beforehand, both possibilities are equally likely to you. To help you guess, you are given a one-time opportunity of picking one, two, or three marbles out of the vase. This, however, comes with a price to pay. If you opt to chhose one marble out of the vase, $750 will be subtracted from the $10,000 should you win. Two marbles will cost you $1,000 and three will cost you $1,500. Which is teh best strategy to maximize your winnings?

I will appreciate you replies giving the way you figured it out using Bayes' rule in regular form or in odds form, or any other method.

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    This sounds like a student question. If so, we don't do homework for students. See guideline #5 ( for more information.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear Adam,

    Your question appears to be a direct quote from H. C. Tijms' book "Understanding Probability: Chance Rules in Everyday Life"

    So I'm wondering, is this some kind of homework assignment?
  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    As a matter of fact I do not know where it comes from. No, it's not my homework as at my age I do not do it anymore. Just a friend of mine sent it to me asking whether as he it seems to him the best strategy is to draw 3 marbles. I'm not quite sure, that's why I posted teh question. Simple as that.
    If you do not like it or do not want to give you answer, that's ok by me.

  • Posted by michael on Member
    If I guess wrong, what have I lost? So...pull 3
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Adam,

    I’ve looked at Bayes equations and it made my head ache.

    To my mind it seems the game relies more on psychology than mathematics and I say this because three principles kick in without players being aware of them: greed, perceived loss, and scarcity.

    Let's start from the premise that the player currently has zero dollars. If this is the case, it makes more sense to “gamble” and maximize one’s chances of winning by taking three marbles.

    Here’s why.

    Starting from a sum of zero, to increase one’s odds of maximum gain, one needs to ignore the $10,000 total “prize” because it’s a false goal. Whatever choice the player takes to “win”, the cost of marble selection taxes the total.

    So the $10,000 prize is a meaningless abstract that NO ONE can win.

    Therefore, it makes most sense to focus instead on the highest potential gain of $8,500 and to write off the $1,500 cost of winning as natural attrition.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    You lose nothing as you invest your time and hope only.
  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    Thanks for your insight. My answer to my friend's question was quite similar. Take a gamble. Even if you start with 10,000 you and have ar. 70 odd percent chance of winning 8500 instead of 50/50 chance of winning 10,000 it makes sense.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Adam

    There’s something wrong in the wording of the question:, “The vase contains a very large number of marbles. You must guess whether the vase has twice as many white ones as red ones.”

    What – guess whether the vase has twice as many white ones as red ones as against any other combination from 1 white one and n-1 red ones where n is the total number or marbles or is the question of the form that there are n/3 red and 2n/3 white where n/3 is an integer and the only other alternative is that the vase contains 2n/3 red and n/3 white.

    The 1, 2 or 3 marble test is to assess the likelihood of the n/3 fraction being white or the n/3 fraction being red.

    Could you clarify?

    Also you don’t have to use Bayes. Bayes is most useful when there is an assumed or known association between the observations of a variable and the likelihood of a particular outcome for the variable. For example if an animal can enter a chamber out of either of two holes, behind one of which might or might not be it’s nest, the odds of it using one over the other is determined by connected observations such as spoil haps or tracks. If the nest is actually behind one of the holes than the odds of it using that hole move from 50% of outings to nearly 100%. Observing the thing three times doesn’t tell you anything unless you are allowed to infer the relationship – then Bayes comes into play.

    Regardless, if you’ll clarify the question, I’ll give you my shot at the answer and the workings which Bayes and with normal distributions.

    Actually for normal distributions to apply, you have to define “Many” If by many you mean a number large enough to make (Many) almost equal to (Many-1) then that’s one thing. If you mean that you should differentiate between (many-1), (many-2) and (many-3), then that’s a different ball game. The first has a solution in the calculus, the second doesn’t!

    Best wishes


  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    it depends. Are you married?

    If you are not married, then you should use Bayes law, which I know nothing about, and make some sort of rational decision.

    But if you are married, you should not buy any balls. You should just guess. If you win, your wife will spend the money anyway. If you buy any balls, and you lose, you will hear about it for the rest of your life.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member

    The problem with that, if I’ve interpreted between the lines is that if many = a really, really large number, the pulling 3 lowers the prize without altering the odds in any significant manner.

    Telemoxie’s idea of basing strategy on whether you are married or not holds more water!


  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    Michael yes, you are right. I double checked with my friend and it should read" twice as many red marbles as white marbles or twice as many white marbles as red marbles. Sorry for lack of my attention.
    As to many marbles in the vase I take it be so many as to equivalent to drawing with replacement.
  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    Pls forgive me Steve I meant to address you not Michael.
    That goddamn iPhone once again and my clumsiness. Once again sorry for my mistake.

  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    Thks Juliet, I enjoyed you posting a great deal. As a matter of fact it's a fun forum isn't it?
    Using probabilities strategy no.3 is the best, but not by a big margin. I can win $8,500 with a probability ar.74% giving expected value of $ 6,295. However most game players( ar.70%) in real life-game choose strategy 1 of drawing 1 ball only with which they have a 2/3 probability of winning $9,250 i.e. $6,167. Does it mean they do not follow the rule of maximizing expected value if it involves too much trouble and is time-consuming and are happy with good enough strategies to satisfice instead of optimze?

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    you say that one possibility is that there are twice as many red marbles as white marbles, and you say that each possibility is equally likely. But what is the other possibility?

    Is the other possibility that there is an even number of red and white marbles? Or is the other possibility that there are twice as many white marbles as red marbles?or is the other possibility that there is any imaginable percentage of white balls and red balls?

    It makes a difference...
  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    A good question. The vase has twice as many white marbles as red marbles or twice as many red marbles as white marbles.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Were we to take the pure mathematical route to solving this, it would begin, “Let us consider a cubic marble which has n degrees of freedom------“
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Oh, I nearly forgot. There is a quantum solution where the eigenvalues of the wave equation defining red or white marbles allows a marble to be both red and white at the same time. It assumes redness or whiteness only when you observe it. (Eigenvector uncertainty at the level of the Plank constant)

    Assuming that you only calculate the answer and never look, you can always win the largest prize by entangling the answer with the question.

    If this place had somewhere to do the maths notation I’d show you the arguments, but in text, it would look like about a mile of computer printout.

    Or toilet paper

  • Posted by adammjw on Author
    Steven you got perplexed with your maths skills. Yours was the most comprehensive answer from computational point of view. I also appreciate Gary's reply which seems to epitomize fast and frugal heuristics people use to get the most of it while sparing extra effort and trouble.
    My sincere thanks to all guys who contributed their answers without prejudice.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Thanks Adam

    I should have added - the quantum solution only applies to very small marbles.


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