
Topic: Advertising/PR

Launching New Product To Distributors & Marketers

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our company is planning to launch a new product in the soap category. Before launching it in the Market we plan to have a short launch for the Distributors & the marketers so that later on there are no conflicts.
I want some good launch ideas so that the Distributors & marketers are satisfied with us.
Pls help.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    Hi tanu

    are you referring to "Retailers" by "Marketers"??

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    I've been marketing and running marketing companies for over twenty years. But... I'm afraid your explanation made me more confused!

    Please clear this up for me. Where I come from Marketers and Distributors ALWAYS work hand in hand. I think its going to be hard to get you the advice or information you need without getting these relationships fully understood on this forum.

    So, please explain:

    1. According to your meaning, what does the Marketer do? Who employs them, who do they report to, how are they rewarded, who measures their work? What does their success look like?

    2. According to your meaning, what does the Distributor do? Who do they source product from, who do they distribute to? Are they selling to these people, or does the manufacturer tell them what to deliver and to whom? Who employs the distributor - or do they just make a margin on what they sell? If not, how are they rewarded, who measures their work? What does their success look like? Can they be fired?

    3. Why do Distributors and Marketers NOT get on together? Do they not depend on one another to make the brand sucessful?

    Look forward to hearing more... I'll watch this thread.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    Sorry you haven't got the answers you were after. Often people read a question once and if they can't understand it, or your "clarifying" reposnses are confusing them, their attention may turn elsewhere.

    Anyway, here ae a few references worth reading which may assist you:

    Hope something there is helpful.

    As a word to the wise, if you are up against an urgent deadline in the future, say so upfront, and give as much detail as possible about what you need, the product, the target market, segments, pricing, the initiatives that have already been thought through, and so on.

    The very talented and good-looking people here will spring into action far more readily when they understand a bit more about what you are trying to achieve.



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