
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Help With "growth Theme" In Report

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Dear Sir,

I am working working on the yearly report for my company and I am using the growth theme. I am asked to write a paragraph on why I used this theme. Basically, i used it to reflect the company's achievements, growth and accomplishments during the past year, however i am asked to elaborate more on this issue and ... here comes my issue. i was really able to elaborate more since i find myself wordless.

May somebody help by developing a small paragraph regarding the above issue?

thank you
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Now I don't know your biz, and this is rough, but I bet you can pick something from it and go from there.

    I would first start with "why growth", in today's economy everyone is talking cut backs, negativity and uncertainty. Why did you choose growth? Because in times especially as theses, it is prudent not to focus on self fulfilling prophesies of gloom. It is a time to focus on the opportunities at hand, not opportunities lost due to issues we cannot completely control. There are won opportunities, people are buying- maybe not at previous levels, but they are buying. The economy is an excuse, but it is no reason. Choosing growth means you are not merely going to survive -- but thrive.

    You choose growth because this company has chosen to grow and accomplish good things over what otheres consider adversity.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Life is Change. Growth is Optional. Choose wisely.

    Lots more growth and change quotes 'out there' to work with and massage into what exactly you desire.

    Hope a seed has been planted so you can indeed be the author of your own success!

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Growth allows you to tell the story of your company and place the achievements (and failures) in a larger context. While you could have used a "change" theme, those reading the report are looking for "good news" - so growth would indicate improvement of the company (size, business, opportunities, etc.).
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    good advice from above posters.

    Of course a "growth Theme" must be based on some strategy. It must be more than adjusting the sales goal targets.

    How about a theme of re-positioning. This could be to re-position the competition as lagging behind in some way. It could be re-positioning a product line to target a new market segment. It could be ........

    Strategy is King.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear loraelias,

    You might want to make the point that without exploration, there can be no discovery; without a willingness to set out with an open mind and a compass, there can be no maps. And that without maps, few people go anywhere.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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