
Topic: Advertising/PR

Prweb Versus Pr Newswire

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
There is a signficant cost difference between the two services:

- Has anyone any quantitative data that would compare the relative effectiveness of the services? I would be most interested in the data for a technology product like our own (MarketingPilot Software -
- Should both be used? (Again, I'm hoping for some hard data and not some general "more is better" response).
- Are there other services that you would use?

I am also looking for a service such as PR Newswire or PRWeb for the UK - any suggestions?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    I can not give you the specific benefits that you request above but I can guide you down the right run way. I can also allow you to investigate in more depth the traffic that both sites generate. While there you can analyze some more reviews and it might be quite possible for you to pull out the details you are looking for. I'm sure this will help you to satisfy your other questions as well because you can examine similar sites that allow you to clearly see those comparisons. Examine it for yourself. If you try it and you like it just post "I liked it" because I did.

    From my personal opinion and as a raving fan of PRWEB I can tell you that they are "The Bomb". So if you want to blow up PRWEB can help you do that. Is there anything I can do for you? Seriously I'm here to serve you.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer PASSION Evangelist)
  • Posted by tjh on Accepted
    Yes, they're each valuable for different reasons. I've used both.

    PRWeb is essentially free, so by and large you have nothing to lose with them - except, review PR Newswire's distribution schemes as jstiles mentioned.

    I've come to view PRWeb as a somewhat passive way to make messages available (although that's not strictly true), and PRWeb as a more causative approach to any specific distributions needed.

    Your mileage may vary...

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