
Topic: Advertising/PR

Re Referal

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi I am trying to start up a dance company and I need to find a marketing scene where I can get ppl in. Any ideas. I got a website and all help
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Do you have a business plan of some kind? Is this going to be a profit-making venture, or are you doing it because you love dance and want to find others who share your passion?

    It makes a difference, because if this is a legitimate business, you will want to treat it that way and invest up-front to make sure it's profitable later. If it's for love of dance, your goal may be different and the need to invest heavily might be reduced. (There would be no real need to reach a certain target volume/profit level.)

    You should tell us WHERE you want to start this dance company, because our marketing ideas might be very different if you are in Africa or South America, say, instead of North America or Europe (or Asia, or Australia).

    Give us a little more information and we'll help you.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    I would heavily consider googling thought leaders (blogs and sites) devoted to dance. Contact them for partnerships.

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