
Topic: Customer Behavior

Behavioral And Psychographic For Customer Profile

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
• We are a High volume employer
• We consider our candidates as possible clients.
• Even if they don’t know we exist and have open positions

Which are the correct behavioral and psychographic questions to understand their dreams, concerns, aspirations?

when do you thnik is the best time to ask it? before or after the first they on the job?
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    What is it that you guys do?
  • Posted on Author
    we are a contact center. provide customer service, tech support. etc.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    We're a bunch of marketing folks, carlos.garcia. We are probably NOT your primary target audience. That means you would need to find a way to ask your question of the people you are trying to reach.

    There may be a market research approach that would make this rather straightforward, but it would entail an upfront fee. There are also some standardized instruments that you can use to "profile" your candidates, and they cost about the same but offer a large database of normative data.

    Of course, if the information is worth something to your business, then perhaps the result will be worth far more than the cost. You need to contact a market research professional. If I can help with a recommendation, feel free to reach me via email, using the contact info in my profile.

    You didn't mention what country/continent your target audience would be in. That's probably important too.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Before someone's on the job, they may be guarded with information (since their goal is to get the job). Once they're on the job, they will be interested in job satisfaction, and if you know their needs/goals you can help guide them. So, ask before you hire and after. More important than asking what their goals/needs are is to ask, "Why?". And keep digging until you understand their true motivations - they might not be truly aware of them until you start truly asking.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Find a variation of Maslow's Hierarchy. Fit that into your Clients/Staff's pyramid vs yours....after they are settled.

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