
Topic: Advertising/PR

Need Help With A Postcard Message For My Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hi! I am a marketing consultant and need some help for my own company (sounds pathetic, I know). I think I am just too close to the situation and can't think of the right message.

Anyhow, I do marketing consulting for the performance automotive markets. My website is I am going to a trade show soon and want something quick to give to some of the potential clients I am meeting with, something a little more than a business card, but not a full packet. Plus, I am thinking of doing a mailing later.

So I was thinking of using the art from my website, but I am having trouble with the message to put on it. I want it a little attention getting, and quick and to the point. Please help me out!
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Why are you going to the trade show? What specifically are you trying to accomplish and who are you trying to get to buy? Those are the questions you should be designing your headline around.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Why are you going to the trade show? What specifically are you trying to accomplish and who are you trying to get to buy? Those are the questions you should be designing your headline around.
  • Posted by marketbase on Member
    Though I personally love Jack Russells, have to agree with Phil on the photos...replace them with photos your clients (or potential clients) can relate to. Rather than making him a show piece on the site, consider including Milo as part of a photo that shows products/service/whatever. Let him/his image become something your clients and prospects will come to identify with.

    But as far as the trade show goes, consider giving away imprinted promotional products (but stay away from cheapo stuff--nobody needs or wants it). Select something that is well made and useful. And, yes, handout brief collateral (one page or tri-fold) and follow up with a mailing to all of those attendees (ask them 'register") or sign up for future info. Offering a contest with a auto-related prize should help build that list. Ask an objective member of the trade-show coordinating committee select the winning entry at the end of the show...

  • Posted on Author
    Aww, I love my little dog! I felt having him on the site made it a little friendlier and open. But I understand the point made as well.

    I guess I didn't make it clear in my post, I am sorry for that. What I am looking for was help on a message for a postcard. But I think I came up with the message I want.

    I want to use the art from my website as a frame, then in big, bold letters "Create Demand" then below that: “No matter what size your company, all businesses need DEMAND. That is what good marketing should do for you. Visit us at or give us a call at 865-686-6115 to find out how we can help you “put your brand in the driver’s seat” “. (I want to work the tagline in, but to be honest, I am not sure how that is going to look. I am thinking italics or something, but will have to see it) Then “Services We Offer: Media Relations, Press Releases, Product Photography, Market Research, Events, Booth Layout, Literature, Sponsorship, and more” That can be in a column, or over a couple rows, or however space allows.

    Anyhow, that is the basic idea. I am open to other thoughts and suggestions.


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Instead of "Put Your Brand in the Driver's Seat", consider changing it slightly to be "Put Your Success in the Driver's Seat". Remember that most people aren't looking to enhance/create a brand - they're looking to increase revenue (or some other form of success).

    As far as your postcard (a 4" x 6"?), instead of telling the menu of services you offer (making the postcard into a brochure), focus on a client (or two) that you've recently helped.

    So: Start with your headline. Add a brief story. End with your contact info and a single sentence about your business.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Accelerate Your Marketing Efforts
  • Posted by Raymond on Accepted
    Here's what I suggest and why.

    Make your card and teaser
    Because there are tons of handouts at trade shows, yours needs to tell its message in a few seconds so use a strong visual, a clear and concise headline and call to action.

    Measure its reach
    Just put enough on the card to make them want to know more and prompt them to go to a specific page on your website for tips and more information. ( for example) Don't make that page accessible from your site's menu. This way, you will know that the people who visited that page are responding to your trade show card.

    This page is where I would put your brochure info with tips and success stories with recent clients.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I very much like Raymond's idea. For lines, consider a blend of those that have been suggested and your original one....

    Drive Revenue! Put your success in the driver's seat. Make the link loud and clear.

    If you have room on the other side of the card, list important dates in the industry. . . I assume we've got at least some nascar fans in the mix, right? The idea is to put something there that keeps them from tossing the card right away.

    On the website that the card leads to, make sure you have a very strong call to action button. Something like "Find out how much more you could make with driver's seat marketing along for the ride." Maybe something shorter. Anyway, you get the idea?

    Good luck!
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to everyone for all your suggestions!

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