
Topic: Advertising/PR

2010 Olympic Pucks Sales

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have exclusive rights to sale this item in the US . I looking to sale wholesale . I HAVE EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS TO SALE IN U.S. Only. !!!!!
I'm a hard time finding retail outlets. What should I do ?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Contact sporting goods outlets.
    Contact semi-pro teams.
    Contact amateur teams.
    Create a website for people looking for pucks.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Get some advertising spend and advertise your product.
  • Posted by tanthony on Accepted
    Have you thought about Costco? They carry sporting goods specific to special events/teams. I'm unsure about how the channel works for the following but you could look into: Sports Authority, Big 5 Sporting Goods, and Dicks.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Who is the target audience for this product? What quantity will you have to sell?

    With the limited information I have, ebay may actually be a great channel for you. But I suspect there's more to the story.

    good luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Claude Hopkins (the advertising guru from the beginning of the 20th century) advised to do the following to gain distribution:

    1 - Write a Direct Marketing campaign .

    Surely there must be databases available that you can use to target the ice hockey playing segment (I'm assuming this is what you mean by "pucks")

    Or maybe you can acquire the addresses of the ice hockey clubs of North America and send them the mailing?

    2 - In the DM, insert a coupon, like 15 % off


    3 - instead of having people mail you the coupon and sending them the pucks directly, work out a deal with sports retailers around the country.

    They collect the coupons, they distribute the pucks, but they also get the benefit of having the clients come to them, in their shop. As Hopkins says: no distributor is going to say "NO" when you offer to send them prospects for free.

    Result: you have nationwide distribution.

    Alternatively, you could set up a website where you can buy directly and try to get prospects through an online advertising campaign. The search terms "pucks", "2010 Olympics", "Olympics", "Olympic Hockey" but also "NHL" etc. seem relevant.

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