
Topic: Advertising/PR


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
In The PR industry , what's the best way to
advertise for an event? Should I use radio tv
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  • Posted on Author
    Posted by: Fgedawy
    10/26/2009 10:01:44 PM

    In The PR industry , what's the best way to
    advertise for an event? Should I use radio tv
  • Posted on Accepted
    Fgedawy, the first thing to recgonize is that PR isn't advertising. So if you want to let "PR folks" know about an event, use public relations. And I don't mean a standard press release that goes to the media...

    Check out David Meerman Scott's book "The New Rules of Marketing & PR." You might just find your answer in times have changed.

    Hope this helps,
    Beth Harte
    Community Manager, MarketingProfs
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Perhaps all, perhaps none. It all depends on your target market - what media they pay attention to.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I'm with Jay. There is no single answer that is always (or even usually) right. It depends on your target audience and your positioning benefit ... along with the competitive environment, industry norms, and at least a dozen other things.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think we all can probably agree that how you promote an event has a lot to do with your audience: who do you want to attend? That said, I think the internet will probably get you the biggest "bang" for your buck because it is much more targeted than radio or TV. You can buy advertising placements with on industry sites and even relevant association material. You also have the chance to utilize Twitter or Facebook to put out relevant messages seen by the target audience you're looking for. Depending on what you're doing, you shouldn't discount TV or Radio immediately, however, make sure to think about your goals, the people you're looking for, and the types of people that will see or hear your ad.
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    Yahoo Upcoming is a free way to list your events.

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