
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To "advertise" Myself In My Company?

Posted by Anonymous on 200 Points
Hi All,
How to "advertise" myself in my company & let my boss know I'm doing my job? I'm value?
1) How to work as a team?
2) How to make my boss & collegues like me & appreciate me?
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    What matters most is what people pick up in your body language, interactions, moods and emotions that make them gain confidence in your ability. A name can be important but you can make a plain name come to life when you are committed. First I would recommend you get Tom Peters book "The Brand You 50". THIS book if you put it to work for you will change your entire life and how others perceive your value. Go to and you will find it. This book will show you how to recreate your image into the U-Incorporated model that is necessary to make you larger than life in your company. I tried it and it worked for me. Read my profile and you'll see the benefits of what I developed in myself after reading the book. It will make a difference in your life only if you are serious about making your career happen. Always go after understanding what your bosses main most important goal is for the year and then find a way to help them meet that goal. Serve your internal customers with gladness and passion. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    You may want to check out an old book by Dale Carnagie called "How to Win Friends and Influence People". I never read it but I know a lot of people who have and praise it.

    Also, check out "Get What You Deserve" by Jay Levinson and Seth Godin (I read this one).

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    If the bible is your best source for reading let's start there. When you read it you must go beyond reading it to ***believing*** what you read. Your ability to submit yourself to serving others should be easily seen and recognizable to others. If your boss or co-workers can not see this then it's time to rebuild this back into your character through behavior and actions. Then Read the book of Proverbs everyday and accept that it has solutions for your life you can apply and need today.


    Stop worrying about others and LIVE. Put a smile on your face and be pleasing to all. Whatever you reflect is what others will respond to. Change your reflection and others will respond to you differently. Also remember "As you think, so are you". If you want others to respond to you differently you must give them something different to respond to. I know this works. Also take jett's advice on the Dale Carengie book.


    As far as reading is concerned it's not an Asian problem it's a world problem. People use to say the same thing to me about Blacks not reading and I have always been a very strong reader even though I still to this day have not met anyone who reads as much as me in my culture and in other cultures. This does not mean that there are not people out there who read more than me it just means I have not met them i.e. seen them. And not having a cultural group that does not read is nothing to continue at least for me. The greatest legacy I can leave for Black people is to stop doing the things that are not working for the Black community regardless of tradition and from that stand point when we are not feeding our minds as equally as we feed our stomachs with good food we are being traditional. And if our traditions are not improving us and our world our tradition Stinks. Just because I don't see a lot of people in my culture reading is no reason for me not to change this horrible legacy. Hopefully when we all die we make a major contribution to how all people not only see us but see our families and our communities and our cultures and our country and then the world will be a little better. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted
    Dear Sunflower,

    You can find excellent advice on how to advertise yourself in your company with the book 'Brag! : The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn without Blowing It'
    by Peggy Klaus. The authors covers isues such as how to let your boss know you are doing a good job, how to take and share credit for teamwork, and how to brag for specific situations (eg to find a job, for your appraisal interview,etc). I found it very helpful


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