
Topic: Customer Behavior

How To Recruit Long Term Customers?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
If you work in an environment which thrives on long term customers. But you have a problem of customers leaving even before their payment in the first month. One of the main reasons being that they get pressured into signing up for the product. But later do not make their installments for this product.
How do you get people to be your customer for a long time.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Sounds like you have two issues:

    1. The customer is being pressured to buy something they do not afterwards see any value in owning.

    2. Your sales processes do not bind the customer to honour their side of the agreement your people have made with them.

    What is it that you are selling? To whom? What does it cost?

    Is the sales process 100% ethical? Would you sell this product/service to a family member, if they required it?

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    My work revolves around companies who thrive on long term ongoing relationships. As we look into the selling process here is what we find.
    -->Most companies don't have a sales process.
    -->With no process in place, the salesguys who use high pressure sales tactics get lots of initial orders - but then the customer migrates to the competitor.
    --> Customers who need your products or services buy from the high pressure guy as much to get rid of him as to buy the product.
    --> When the customer cancels the salesperson dodges the blame by saying its the product, the customer service or the alignment of the moon and stars.

    The answer the issue:
    A sales process that builds a relationship over time solves this delima. Research indicates that companies who build a relationship before closing the order have a greater perception of value by the customer. And, with a greater perception of value - the customer stays.

    Email me for a short overview of my Sales Leadership Subscription Program - The Multi-Call Strategy.
  • Posted on Member
    Can you give us a little more information about the type of business you're in? That would help us to help you.

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