
Topic: Advertising/PR

Conversion Rate Estimate/goal, Other Ideas?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I am working on my wife’s startup business, for details on the business you can visit the web site at [inactive link removed] We have limited funds for growth. We created a flyer with mail in order form and call to action for ordering by phone or on the site. The flyer is all about the "current project" she is offering. We are in the process of delivering the flyers to local homes.

This is a two-part question.

First, How can we estimate a conversion rate percentage the conversion being an order placed?

Second, What other ideas can you come up with to get new customers at the local level?

If you need any other info please let me know.

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    It's impossible to estimate a conversion rate because that magic number is a function of many things that we don't know. For example, is your value proposition something that will appeal to a broad audience or not? How compelling is the copy in your flier? Is your pricing strategy one that will encourage trial? Etc.

    "Conversion" (into a sale) is a function of a lot more than your flier or your website. Estimating the conversion rate a priori is an exercise in futility.

    As for generating new customers, that's the question you should have asked before you created the business. If you are satisfying a real need, you need to understand the characteristics of your target audience -- demographics, psychographics, etc. If you're simply trying to stuff what you have down the throats of a lot of people, you're going to have a tough time of it.

    Almost every successful product/service idea begins with understanding the need you're solving, the nature of the target audience, and the overall marketing strategy for reaching the target customers.

    Let's go back to those basics and see if we can identify your prime prospects and target the communication.

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