
Topic: Student Questions

Simple Articles On Marketing Myopia

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I want some simple answer on the topic on marketing myopia other than the classic theodore Levitts article
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The Leavitt article isn't that long. It's hard to imagine a "simple answer" that's simpler than Leavitt's original article.

    If you insist: Marketing myopia is focusing on an immediate goal/product/market, not on the long-term, underlying consumer need that you are satisfying.

    Typewriters (and slide rules, buggywhips, and others) were important products once, and they satisfied important consumer needs. But the manufacturers (for the most part) thought of themselves as being "in the typewriter business," so when Epson and H-P jumped on the printer market, Smith-Corona, Underwood, and others all became obsolete almost overnight.

    You could say that had any one of them considered themselves to be in the hardcopy communications business, they might have had a chance to survive.

    They had marketing myopia, and couldn't see beyond what they were doing.

    Short enough?
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Thinkmor's first article is the one I recommend to everyone who asks.

    Just wanted to post a "second motion"...please don't give me any points.

    Thank You!

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