
Topic: Advertising/PR

Pop Up Ads And Others

Posted by Anonymous on 90 Points
I have a website, and I want pop up ads on them. Where should I go? Also, what other things can I put on my site to earn more money?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    You should probably start by identifying your target market. Who is going to be clicking into your website, what are they interested in, what would keep their attention etc.

    more information is needed...

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear David,

    Alas, what you want on your site is largely irrelevant.

    Unless they offer great value or have some compelling call to action associated with them, pop ups have only one function on
    a website: to annoy people.

    Do you want to annoy your customers and site visitors?

    Probably not.

    So why add any element that does exactly that?

    However, if you're hell bent on going through with this, before you
    add anything like this, ask yourself what's in it for your site users?

    How will they interact with these pop up elements? What is the purpose of the pop up? How will you measure its impact? Where will the pop ups send people?

    Of the sites similar to yours in terms of what they do and the audience they serve, how many of them employ pop ups and to what ends?

    Simply having pop ups on one's site does not equate to instantly higher revenues. No workee.

    To make more money you need to figure out what it is you're offering,
    to whom, and how often they're likely to buy from you.

    More money comes from offering ten to a hundred times the value your clients are paying for. Which means highlighting the benefits to those people of doing business with you.

    The easiest repeat sales to clock up come from existing customers because they already have a relationship with you.

    So, offer these people more value, more often and make sure
    the value is relevant to their desires, wants, needs, goals and aspirations.

    I hope this helps. Good luck to you.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
    Follow me on @GaryBloomer
  • Posted by AA/Swap on Accepted

    Welll you can go through the below website & make your own POP-UP Ads on your website for FREEEEE


  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    By adding pop-ups you may actually loose, not make money.

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