
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Do I Grow Our Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am the marketing manager for a relatively small beverage company that produces soft drinks. How should i go about getting exposure thereby growing the brand. My department is relatively new so i can use all the advise you have to offer.

Thanking you in advance

Ismail Yusuf
Marketing Manager
Bubbilee Soft drinks
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  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    I would roll out an expansive sampling-plus-coupon program. The more people that taste and enjoy your product, the more they'll share their love with their friends who will also want to try them. That, and brand design that pops will help you in the early stages.
  • Posted by MANSING on Member

    I am sure you have done SWOT analysis and Marketing Mix?

    Use the Penetration Pricing model (If that suits to your financial condition)

    In addition to above, for new market I will recommend going to the hotels, corner shops and restaurant with attractive pricing, discounts, or sales offer.

    At initial stage it’s hard to win the confidence of customer; I have understood ONLY thing can work in food & beverage industry during this period is penetrating market with less price.

    I hope this will help

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Along with going after consumers, you will likely need to go after channels. If consumers can't find your product at stores or restaurants, they won't buy your product.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you're already well-known, but have lots of competition, then you have a few basic options: change your positioning (can you create a niche product, perhaps a drink with healthier ingredients?), increase shelf space (to crowd out competition), or increase demand (how about a blind taste test with your competition?).

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