
Topic: Career/Training

A Note On

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
help me with point that I can write in one page to my boss on "why I think I am ready to be promoted?"
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Julie,

    You need of provide more information. You tell us nothing about yourself, but the bigger question is why do YOU think you are ready to be promoted?

    What have you learned, achieved, produced, or accomplished within the last year that makes you WORTH your promotion.

    What will you do within the next 30, 60, and 90 days, within the next six months and within the next year that will make you into promotion material?

    It's not about you, it's about what you will do for your supervisor, manager, or employer.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    That first sentence ought to read:

    You need to provide more information.

    Sorry about that.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Ideally, you'd do this face-to-face. That shows confidence and builds a dialog.
  • Posted on Accepted
    When you are asking for a promotion, you need a set point "why am I worth more then they are paying me now?" After you figure out why, explain to yourself how is it going to benifit your boss (able to handle more responceabilty, higher quality, etc.), promotions are based on past performance, explain what you done, and how the knowledge you have learned will better the company. Its all about how you can make your boss better and in the end the company great. Be confident, and to the point. I hope this helps.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Dont write it .... say it. In person with supporting facts and figures.

    This needs to be thought out and well rehearsed in your own mind.
    I would consider examples of times that you already PERFORMED AT THE LEVEL OF THE POSITION YOU WANT.
    If dont have any of these... do yourself a favor and dont ask. Instead, offer to assist in selecting.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think you should re-evaluate the position that you are in and the tasks that it involves.

    From there, look at the units or dollar amount that you have brought into the company.
    If you cannot show that then make a list of all the things you have brought to the table as a result of your performance level.

    You must remember that you may have out grown your position. You may need a career change.

    Have you upgraded your skills? Is your company showing signs of an increase in profit for this last quarter?
    Do you know if there is enough money in your company’s budget to support the increase you want?

    Remember, men and women lie ... numbers don't.

    When asking for an increase usually it means that your doing a two person job or bringing more then exceptional profit to your company.

    Hope this helps.

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