
Topic: Student Questions

The Segmentation Method And Strategies By Cadbury

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
detailed description of the segmentation strategies and methods used by the cadbury company to sell its flagship brand cadbury's dairy has the segmentation strategy changed over the years? how has the company gone about targeting the segmented customers ? do they need any repositioning strategies? waiting in anticipation...thanks...
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    We welcome you to post questions on the forum, but this question appears to be a cut and paste straight from your homework. We gladly will provide thoughtful discussion of details of analysis tools or marketing concepts. But we will not DO your homework. You have to provide your thoughts and ideas first!

    Please read the important guidelines of this forum.

    In particular, see #5.

    Experts are happy to help students explore their thoughts, but they will not do their assignments for them. If you are a student, be sure to share your own ideas along with your question. (See Ex. 1 and Ex. 2.)

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Dear radhika_91,

    You're not going to like this.

    Last night I watched an edition of Dr. Phil in which two young people, one age 24, the other age 18 who both expected everything handed to them on a silver platter: money, reward, success, a place to live—the whole nine yards.

    And their parents were helping them by doing everything for them.

    Addressing the mothers of both these young people Dr. Phil said "Y'all can spend six months in family counseling or y'all can hear
    it from me in just two words: quit this!"

    Your question sounds like a homework question, which members of this forum are not permitted to help with. But that's not really the issue here. The issue with many (not ALL, but many) of the student questions on this forum is this: bone idleness.

    If you are to be of ANY use or help to your eventual employer, their clients, and to yourself, here's what I ask that you do.

    Please, please, PLEASE—for the love of God, at least make even the meekest ATTEMPT to do some of your own research, do some of your own THINKING, and ... shock, gasp, horror, do some of your own WORK.

    Let's turn your question on its head:

    How do you THINK the segmentation strategy has changed over the years?

    How do you THINK the company has gone about its customer segmentation and targeting?

    What repositioning strategies do you THINK might need changing?

    THINK ABOUT THESE QUESTIONS, then come up with some original thoughts and ask for opinions on your original thinking,
    don't just ask for and expect the answers.

    Do you want to be successful? Valuable? And respected in your field?

    If your answer to this is "No!", then why are you studying what you're studying?

    If your answer to this is "Hell yes!", then STOP "waiting in anticipation" and make an effort to help yourself.

    No one is going to hand your the answers and sadly, UNTIL you can prove that you've sought some of the information yourself
    and made sense of it, you won't get anywhere, you won't earn anyone's respect, nor, sadly, will you earn whatever qualification you're aiming for, or be of much use to your potential employer.

    You may not like this, may not like it at all. But this is the most valuable lesson you'll ever learn: success and reward comes to those who are willing and able to get off their backsides, DO SOME WORK, and prove their worth.

    Yes, I know this sounds harsh and for this I make no apology—
    life is too short to candy coat things. Help yourself and you earn respect.

    Think about it, do some of your own work and thinking, come
    back to this forum with an original point of view and you'll gain
    far greater insight and receive far more useful input because you've proved your point of view and can back it up.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    This is a common homework question. If you want to copy the common answer from others to get a poor score from your professor:

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