
Topic: Student Questions


Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello all,

I'm new in marketing world and interested learning marketing. Could please give me a brief outline on how and what topic to begin my studies with. I'll be very please if you can also advise me on how to go about the marketing course.
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  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    hi formukong,

    first of all let me welcome you to welcome to KHE,

    some thing yoou should do are:

    LEARN TO YOU THE SEARCH QUESTIONS LINK it is to the right when you sign in (NOT the box at the top of the page)

    this one is for you shelly ;p we will teach them even if it take till the day i die

    partisapate in this forum, fill out your profile and start answering questions and asking.

    i am a student and i have recently started marketing (this year). if you look to you right at the list of TOP 25 experts you should see my name in Number 25.

    READ READ READ, try to read everything you can about marketing. Sign up for news letters and READ THEM.

    - Marketing management (by Philip Kotler and Dubois). It contains the basic thinking you need to grasp. i persoanly have not read it but am told it is THE book from which to learn marketing mangment.

    also - Principles of marketing by Kotler, Armstrong, Saunders & Wong

    go though every question on this website and read them, then when you have finished go though again and this time take notes!!!! there are a wonderful ideas here, and wonderful people.

    ASK LOTS OF QUESTIONs even if you think they are stupied, as my dad always says "it is better to look like a fool for a few days by asking a question , than to go though life with out knowing".

    here are some past questions on the subject:

    hope this helps you:

    have a nice day

    Carl Crawford

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Carl makes somevalid points.

    From the way you titled your question, I would say you have a knack for branding.

    However, it would be adviseable to start at "Marketing 101" ( a series of articles found on the home page) before jumping into branding.

    Check out https://searchengineformarketers as well.

    Good Luck BigAndre!!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Carl forgot one thing:

    Read the Important Guidelines page here, too!

    Your local colleges or universities will probably be a good source for looking at a variety of marketing curricula. Even if one of the Experts here DID offer you an outline of topics to study, we can't claim ourselves to be an accredited institution.

    Shelley ;]
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    This may be the most difficult to execute, but the absolute best way to learn marketing is to find a great mentor who really understands marketing and has the patience to teach it.

    I certainly second the various book recommendations and could add some suggestions of my own, but even with all the book learning there is no substitute for (a) jumping into the deep end of the pool and swimming, and (b) having a great mentor who has a stake in your success.

    Also, once you get your solid grounding in general marketing, you will probably want to begin to focus in on some specific areas that will be of value in your specific business or functional specialty. For example, if you're dealing with direct response advertising, learn more about that. If you're in sales support, learn more about that. If you're in advertising, learn more about that. Etc.

    You get the idea.

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