
Topic: Advertising/PR

2nd Biz, Help W/name To Corolate W/1st Biz!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a stork rental biz and it's called "Stork Greetings and More".
I am starting a new biz and have not named it yet. I would "like" for it to corolate w/my 1st biz name so people will associate me w/both businesses.
Do you think this is a good idea for one? Any exp. w/doing such?

The 2nd biz I've started is a bow making biz. It is geared towards hair bows for babies, toddler, children & some hair items (beaded bobbypins...) for adults. I also will offer bows made for mailboxes, for any occasion (new baby for one ex., holidays...). I wanted it to sound like it deals w/hair bows, bows etc...

I've thought of:
Storky Bows Galore (galore would refer to mailbox bows, cheerleading hair bows, Christmas tree bows, holiday bows. It's mainly hair bows, but these bows will be offered.). I wanted to add on a couple of items later, a.i. ruffled socks (ribbon lined) and maybe kids crayon rolls, basically stuff geard towards kids.

Soooo.........any ideas, thoughts, advice or input would really be appreciated!

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Could you please explain what a Stork Rental business is all about?
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Accepted
    Since there's little correlation between the two items you're marketing, I wouldn't use the "stork" name in the business moniker. You could initially use a tagline such as "Brought to you by the egg that hatched Stork Greetings and More" for an associated credibility element.

    I have named two businesses that I operated at the same time, and kept their names separate so their purposes could be easily identified.
  • Posted on Author
    Sorry! My stork rental biz deals with renting 7ft. lawn storks to announce the arrival of newborns!
  • Posted by marketbase on Accepted
    Absolutely agree with Gail@PUBLISIDE; combining both your and her ideas:
    A sibling of Stork Greetings


  • Posted on Author
    I agree since the 2 aren't the same thing! I wanted to get some input on somebody else w/2 bizs and what they did & thought about it. I just thought using stork might connect us together and be easier to remember, but I'm not going to use the stork in the name. I really appreciate both or your inputs!
    Do you think the "Bows Galore" sounds like a hair bow biz?
    I do like it though! Easy, simple.....
    Any other ideas would be appreciated & might throw 'em together!
    Hey!.....what about "Bows & More Galore"??
    Thanks! Lynn:)
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Since your 2 businesses are selling different things to different people, don't combine the names. Feel free to start with a clean slate, since people buying from you for one business won't have much need for your other business.

    Name suggestion: Hair Comes The Bow
  • Posted on Author
    Hey Steve! Well, the 2 businesses are totally different so that wouldn't work! But, I do like the "Announcements Galore" if they were somehow connected! The "only" connection is I would be making bows for newborn announcements w/2 biz also. That is the only part of the 2nd biz that deals w/the 1st.
    Thanks though;)
  • Posted on Author
    No, they wouldn't need my products yet.....:)
    The name Hair comes the Bow is cute!! I know for sure I'm definitely going to keep seperate names.
    I'm still weighing the names....
    Thank you!
  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Member
    Hi lynn_krebs!

    I would stick with a shorter but more memorable name. Like in Storky Bows Galore one word is needless. Storky Bows and Bows Galore both sound better than Storky Bows Galore. Think of that.

    Whatever Happens -
    Good luck!
    Natasha Chernyavskaya
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks! I do want it to be only 2 words. The more I hear "Storky Bows", which I'm not going to use, the less I like it. "Bows Galore", i'm still iffy on!
    What about :
    "Bow Gallery"?
    "The Bow Place"
    "Bows & Beyond"
    Remember, the main thing is hair bows, mailbox bows for newborns, holidays & any occasion really. There might be little things added on later like crayon rolls (travel crayon holders), baby door signs (Babys sleeping...hung by a bow:)
    I really, really appreciate the responses & the time that you all have taken for my little 'ol questions!
    Thanks again..............I think my time is running short for my posting, so any more ideas or input on the names I just listed would be wonderful!
    take care, Lynn
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Lynn

    I’m glad that Chris (Australian English) had the courage to ask what the hell a Stork Rental Business was as I’d have assumed that it was some form of target practice for rusty guns just before the grouse season opens.

    Although It’s got nothing to do with bows as a business, your stork rental clients probably are the sort of people who would appreciate a well thought out decorative bow or whatever they are, so some use of your client and prospect list to seed the new bow business would be useful. An inexpensive CRM system should sort that out for you – just load all your contacts, ask for some more advice and hit go. We’ll cover the nuances later. If you have built a respected business in Storks, then the reputation should also be portable – do you deliver on time, offer good service, have keen prices, good quality (Storks that is)? If so, tell your new prospects and your new customers.

    Actually I like the way you have rather intensively identified your business proposition, what you want to do with it and how you want to run with it. Tidying up synergies is really icing the cake in comparison to the rest of your preparation, so don’t stop looking at the wider picture and the relevant detail.

    Actually, both your businesses are totally incomprehensible to someone like me from somewhere like I come from (We used to be called Backwoods-Men in the Lords) but your explanation and exposition is so clear I can see that it can work and work well where you hail from, so I have no ideas which I think would be useful about names – I just wouldn’t link the two for the sake of it.

    Well done on the proposition

    Steve Alker
  • Posted on Author
    NO! My storks aren't for target practice!! They're a little costly for that!
    Seriously though, thank you for your advice & input! From the response I've received, I know that I should have 2 seperate names & I will definitely be letting my clients know of my 2nd biz, maybe throw in a freebie of some sort as well!
    My stork rental clients will definitely targets for advertising my biz & getting word out to their friends. There is only one other stork biz in my town, Wilmington, NC & we're totally different, offer different things, so no biggie there! I'm looking to getting into balloon decorating next, just have to study DVD's, practice designs & take a test to become certified. The stork biz doesn't take too much time to run, pretty easy, hairbow is more hands on of course, so this is something else on the back burner;)
    Thank you all soooo much for your time!
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Thanks for your kind words! Balloon Decorating sounds most interesting - I guess it wasn't the types of balloon we just got involved in. I joined with a neighbor to allow over 100 hot air balloons take to the skies last year - all for charity and they need quite a bit of space to launch in that number.

    Here's an idea though. Most of the balloons had sponsorship on the canopy. It might be very cost effective to market all of your businesses, but the balloon one in particular, by borrowing or hiring a hot air balloon for a day and put on a decorated canopy cover with your logos and pictures.

    On a still-ish day everyone in Wilmington would see you. Be careful though - the roar of the burners scares horses and we had to close the stables and the school and warn every horse owner within 20 miles of Rudgwick!

    Good luck

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