
Topic: Website Critique

Superman's Mind Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
If you are to change one thing of the following website what would that be?


FYI, survey results for the site review is encouraging.
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  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    I like your approach - get 10 different answers and then do them all. :)

    Seriously though - Change the flow. Lead with the benefit and not your logo. Something like, "get better grades in less time..." Isn't that really what you give people. On another note, I have never liked copy reversed out of black; most studies show it is harder to read. Also, get a low-price but highly-talented freelance designer to clean it up a bit and give you that large company look even if you are just a few people.
  • Posted on Author
    Very interesting thoughts.

    On placing the benefit on top, my primary target market is college students and I read, this group of individuals are totally against "in your face marketing", I'm not sure if that would be misconstrued as that.

    On color schema, I got some similar feedback, also, the dark color is associated with myth, not good for encouraging download etc. However, what I don't understand is, about 80% of the survey takers and almost half say they are compelled to download the software, and over 80% of them are either college or high school students say they like the website. Well, one may argue liking the website and downloading the software may not be 100% correlated...
    But probably, improving the color would not hurt at all, then why not do it? It appears on my immediate agenda now.

    "give you that large company look", I like that thought, you seem to suggest it's mainly the designer's capability, do you have such a website handy for me to take a look?

    Greatly appreciate it.


  • Posted on Accepted
    Don't use all caps. Upper and lowercase headings and navigation choices would be easier to read.

  • Posted on Accepted
    My first reaction is the letterspacing and linespacing are too tight making it hard to read.
  • Posted on Author
    Great inputs, Judy and Paul, thank you. I'd get with my designer guy soon.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear donli,

    Ditch the black background and pay more attention to your typesetting: text that's set solid is harder on the eye than text
    that's left justified.

    And white text on a dark background might look hip and urban
    but it adds extra visual information that the eye has to decode
    in order to make sense of the message.

    I hope this helps.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you for your thoughts. The survey of the website by the students indicates that 80% of them like the current site (most of them under 25 probably and their vision is better than those of us above the 25 age rank). Now, if we change/reverse the color schema, would 90% of them like it everything else being equal/same?

    And on a related note, I just viewed it from a brand new modern laptop from a computer shop the site looks sharp, much better than from my computer. It's entirely possible most of the college kids have newer computers than we have?


  • Posted on Author
    Correction: I meant to say, Mr. Bloomer but missed the Mr. My apologies, Mr. Boomer.


  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    What people say they like and what works are often very different.

    The reverse type is hard to read, no matter what they say about "liking" the site.

    The benefit needs to be front and center -- not "in your face" necessarily, but the most important element on the page. That's what you want them to remember, isn't it?

    And the call-to-action button is not obvious. You need to show the monkeys where the banana is.
  • Posted on Author
    mgoodman and Mr. Bloomer,

    You guys have drive a very important point across to me now, yes, "like the website and call to action" are different, 80% said like the site, but only 53.2% said they are compelled to download the software...

    I'll make the recommended changes, start with,

    1) selling benefits
    change the "KN-knowledge notebook" logo to
    "KN-knowledge notebook software";
    change the "revolutionize the way you take notes" to
    "improves your grades"

    2) navigation
    replace all CAPS with the normal first letter Capital.

    3) 30 free trial
    find a way to stand out more upon page load (directly visible).

    4) communication
    intend to replace Contact with Conversation, hence, providing a platform for two way communication..

    Then, tackle the color thing, it's a much bigger job.

    Are we good?

    Much indebted,

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Donli - As others have mentioned before, people aren't looking for "a revolutionary way to take notes, improve study habits" but ARE looking for "get better grades more easily". That's the only reason someone would be willing to spend money on your product. Can you prove that key benefit? If not, spend time/money on this research project and focus your entire message on this point.
  • Posted on Author
    Jay, I agree, will have my graphics guy to take care of it.
    Many thanks.

  • Posted by NatashaChernavska on Accepted
    Hi, donli

    I see you did some work.

    Good job! There are however some big issues remaining and some little ones.

    Big mistakes:
    - Your “Call To Action” (Download your free trial today) is still placed in the area which you have to scroll to get to. That’s a big mistake – the biggest mistake you can make.
    - The general impression your site makes is – too contrast. Fluorescent Green, bright white on black – that almost hurts the eyes.
    - The site is not tested in different browsers: In IE6 video on the home page is under the text block.
    - Description and keywords meta tags are too small.

    Small mistakes:
    - No alt text appears to be in any image tags (in the menu it’s a must!)
    - Justified text is harder readable than left aligned text.
    - You should not replace text with images unless you absolutely have to. In your case all text that is presented with images on your site can be easily done as plain text.
    - Besides, kerning in the menu is outrageously small, some words are hardly readable.

    - Place Call To Action block on every page it appears on top. You have a pretty much useless motto and a computer image, instead you could place there your “Download demo” block – that will be logical.
    - Think of inverting the colors: black to white and white to black. You will immediately get a much better impression.

    Whatever Happens
    Good Luck!

    Natasha Chernyavskaya
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Posted on Author

    Thank you for your thoughts. The site is effective but as you suggested it definitely has room for improvement. Currently I'm continuing to get feedback from my target market.


  • Posted on Author
    Excellent points, thank you.

    Though survey takers of the website overwhelmingly approves the site, a fairly large number of them complains about the color schema, and I agree as well, though the very first time I saw the site I felt it's quite refreshing, it's different. Will continue to improve... time for another priority...

  • Posted on Author
    Please do, Carrie, thank you. Don

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