
Topic: Website Critique

What Do You Think?

Posted by Thatbeit1 on 250 Points
I need to explain a bit about this industry:
-there are 4 completly different target customers
-For the most part they have very different key concerns
-Anyone who comes to my site by and large knows what over spray is

The car on the home page is going to be a flash graphic that demonstrates what we do. I also have a comparison chart being developed to demonstrate how we are different then the competition. Only the first page has been optimized for seo.

One more item...I know I need testimonials and am working on this.

My web site is Just put all all 3 words together with no hyphen. If I spell it out the search engines shows everything I say/ask on here.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    I'd like to see the menu buttons (Home, Who We Are, etc.) look differently from the "I am a..." buttons.

    Since your #1 goal is to have people contact you, make your phone # and/or email addresses more obvious. For example, put your phone # in your banner and home page window title.

    Take a look at your Website Grader report for suggested improvements:
  • Posted by Thatbeit1 on Author
    I am going to have the green buttons text change to dark green. Do u think that will be enough of a difference?

    I too have found that website grader useful. I started out at 18% when I first started 2 months ago. Thankfully it is going up.

    I know my layout is rather simple. However, I intentionally did not lay it out in the common layout designs. Do you think this makes the website look unprofessional or fresh and simple?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    By doing something differently than 99.999% of the other websites, you make people think harder about how to interact with your website, INSTEAD of thinking how/if they'd like to work with you. Unless you have a strong reason for not having menus look like menus and put them in different locations, keep it "boring" but useful.

    The color difference may work...or not. Test it (perhaps A/B split test it), and see what works for your visitors.
  • Posted by Thatbeit1 on Author
    Appreciate your thoughts. Although, little tweaks etc are available. Having expended a great deal of resources (both time and money) and I am not in a position for such an ambitious change. Kind of depressing that all this energy is for naught.

    Truly, the organic and referred web traffic is so small it would be very difficult to test anything.

    Fortunatly, the majority of my business comes from direct marketing and sales not search results (an area that I am extremely astute). The website is geared more towards lending credibily versus soliciting from unidentified customers.

  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    I like your site and I wouldn't change much. It clearly communicates what you do but could probably do a little more in the areas of presentation and differentiating how you are better than others who do the same thing.

    A few suggestions:
    - Keep all the important information "above the fold" which is to say on-screen. People don’t like to scroll down on a homepage except for useless info like privacy statements.
    - Is "Tailored Service" really the number one criteria in selecting this type of service? I would think people just want the shi$ off the car without other damage, and for the least money and hassle, yes? Consider changing this subhead which should be easy to do.
    - I like the "Get Your Free Estimate" button, but I would make it look more like a button and maybe even say "Click here for..." In tests I have run, these few extra words increased conversions.
    - You have a lot of bullets on the page and many of them seem redundant. What is the difference between "FAST" and "QUICK" or between "SAVE Money" and "COST Effective" or between "EXPERIENCED" and "PROFESSIONAL"... you get the idea. I would consolidate some of this and it will be become harder-hitting.

    The new flash graphic will be perfect to illustrate what you do.

    Lastly, do some PPC advertising on the long phrases around your service and on a regional basis. Because it is a rare service with few people competing for the words, the cost will be very low and you should get a high conversion rate.

    I'll come see you if my son screws up again. :)

    Best of luck, Johnny B.
    if you like the advice, read the blog:
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    First of all, I like the site. I would give it a 8/10, There are a few minor adjustments.
    First - revisit the buttons
    I dont believe anyone thinks of themself as a "claimant"
    I would look for some more compelling words.

    I would also think of making the 4 target buttons a different color than the what we are faq sections.

    I would also post my phone number at the top. I had to scroll down to find your numberr.
  • Posted by Thatbeit1 on Author
    Thank you all for your advice. Being a start up company with limited capital the advice I have received from the participant in the marketing profs forum has been a god send.

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