
Topic: Advertising/PR

1-800-mrblacktop Is This Marketable?

Posted by Anonymous on 375 Points
I recently purchased this number 1-800- MrBlacktop (1-800-672-5225) to promote my pavement maintenance business "Everblak Inc" Before I invest any more in this I have some concerns.

1. There are too many letters in MrBlacktop. will this be to much of an issue? I have had a few people ask me about this. I know several other numbers that have more than 7 letters but mrblacktop is 10. we have shaded the TOP in the logo to help with this.

2. If people here it will they think Mister Blacktop?
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  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    It is great name and great number, and it is very marketable. If you were in Illinois I'd remember your name and number and call you for our annual coating.

    I wouldn't worry about the extra numbers. When toll-free numbers first came out years ago, the extra numbers would concern people, but now everyone is used to it and it shouldn’t be a cause for concern. Btw, having people remember you as MrBlack is not a bad thing either especially for those of us who love that deep black look of a freshly coated driveway.

    Unless you are doing exclusively radio, I'd wouldn't be overly concerned about the "Mr." versus "Mister" issue either. In print and online there is no confusion, and on radio you can simply spell it out verbally a few times at the end of your spots. Almost everybody naturally writes MR and not MISTER anyway.

    One last suggestion. Make sure you print the actual numbers below the name where you list the name/number. It bothers a good number of people to have to search their telephone keypad for the exact letter-to-number conversion. You have a great pneumonic device for remembering the name and number, and you can increase calls with the actual number in print as well.

    Best of Luck, Johnny B.
    if you like the advice, read the blog:

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    Probably not a big problem, but worth noting somehow in verbal ads that it is MR not mister.

    In print, you could add in small print the numbers below the letters that need to be typed (leaving out the extra letters) - that along with the shading of un-needed letters would help clarify it.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    The name/number is fine.
    Do you also own the domain (that can redirect to That would reduce a potential problem in case people remember the phone #, but not your business name.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I would reinforce the the M-R if you do radio.

    "Give us a call on 1-800 Mister Blacktop, that's 1-800 M R Blacktop."

    The only issue with the extra digits is if you have a phone system that will unexpectedly take callers somewhere if they hit those digits during an auto-attendant greeting or something like that.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    It's only 3 digits. Most phones take a while to connect. You'll be ok.

  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    Dear Joe,

    Your number is great. It ties in with what you do, it connects to a primary need, and it offers elements of solution. Tie this in with your main marketing on your other question and you'll be fine.

    Good luck.

    Gary Bloomer
    Wilmington, DE, USA

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