
Topic: Advertising/PR

Baby Boomers And A Gym.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Does anybody have any good tips on how to market gym products and gym membership to baby boomers?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If someone already is a member of a gym, then you need to identify why switching to yours' would be better: location? cost? extras? effectiveness? community?

    People generally don't enjoy going to a gym - they enjoy the results from going. Whether that be the endorphins, the appeal of a toned body, or the chance to meet people - that's the message you want concentrate on.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you, Jay. Does anyone have thoughts on how to market gym equipment to baby boomers as well?
  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Why the focus on baby boomers?

    What exactly do you understand this segment to be?

    Personally, If I were in the Gym equipment business (whicjh of course i'm not) I would be going after young people.

    WHen iwas 18 year old, I worked out like crazy until the age of about 32.

    Now my 18 year old son is the one using our gym equipment everyday - I just snarl at it from time to time :))

    Now if you have specialised equipmet deigned for old fogiies lioke me to use :) that is a different proposition but in the end iot is more a question of motivation.

    THose baby boomers born in the 60's and early 70's are not going to be a verys trong market segment for you in 2010 :)

    Good luck.

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