
Topic: Advertising/PR

Looking For Home Improvement Store Promotions/idea

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a retail chain of 9 home improvement stores and are looking for some new promotional ideas for both our contractor and retail (homeowner) customers in this slowed down market.
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Lets first make sure you aren't using the economy as more of an excuse than it needs to be. I am sure you heard that for the first time since January 2006, the rates of both total housing starts and single-family starts improved over the prior year and the prior month. That Tractor Supply closed out last quarter of 09 38% ahead of same quarter in 08 (you arent exactly in the same biz but you have overlap.) Though Ace's sales were down, they did see an increase in warehouse sales. And I just started working with a co that identified $3.8 bil in new construction projects just in education and health care-- in middle GA, one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. So it's not all doom and gloom out there. I know the economy is tough, but we need to make sure its a reason and not an excuse.

    Now you can't make a contractor with little work buy -- but you can be lazar sharp in identifying those that are working and buying-- and put yourself out there so they are buying from you.

    Tap your reps. They know of projects in the preliminary stages and who the contractors are. They know, from their RFP's who is active. Get a salesperson out there, on the phone and in person contacting these people. They shouldn't just be waiting for the phone to ring.

    Talk to the contractors doing insurance work and disaster restoration. These are jobs going now and they can't be postponed till better times.

    Start calling your inactive customers. If they aren't out of biz, they are buying your type of products on a regular basis. It might as well be from you.
  • Posted by thecynicalmarketer on Accepted
    Three fast suggestions:

    - #1: "Spring Sales Come Early" Just as retailers moved back the starting day for XMAS specials to try and get a jump on each other, you could do the same for Home Improvement. Be the first with the Spring Savings and try to capture those buying dollars from your competitors (this may not work for items such as flowers in places like Chicago).

    - #2: Promote Recession-Busting prices, but focus on key items in the following manner. Consumers and contractors always respond to lower prices. Focus on those items where you may lag your competition. No sense giving up profits on the items you already sell a ton of. Instead, attack the categories or items the other guys do well at.

    - #3: Tap your vendors. Tell them you are doing line reviews and trying to consolidate suppliers, and that you are looking for key vendors to step up. They will want to protect their shelf space and just might surprise you with something great, as the saying goes, you never know until you ask.

    Best of Luck, JohnnyB.
    The TCM Blog,
  • Posted by Gail@PUBLISIDE on Member
    In good times and not-so-good, use your experts' knowledge as a way to stay at the top of buyers' minds. Use blog posts, social media and submit articles to article conduits on topics related to your contractors' and retailers' expertise. Write/post about timely topics (cold-weather home issues from fall heading into winter, outdoor information from spring heading into summer). People love to read information that helps them and with tips and advice, you can do that and stay current in your target market's minds.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    There is a book I recommend on promotions-- 1001 Ways to Create Retail Excitement. It's in your library, an easy read. But it will get the creative juices going.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Have people submit photos of a room in their house and a brief essay describing why/what they need to redo their room as a contest. People can submit only to their local store, winners get a store credit, customers/community vote.
  • Posted by Darr on Member
    A great white paper called "Cause Marketing" is available if you google it. The main point is that companies that support a childrens miracle network, etc..sell more. People are basically good and will buy from someone they believe to be wholesome.
    Sponsor an event that puts your hardware stores in the front...make peope understand your service to the communtiy. Have signs everywhere that tell of your support, put notices in the paper, issue press releases, have your picture in the local paper donating money. Have your vendors get on board and co-op a release, a flyer, etc.
    Make sure your "cause" is local, non controversial, and will benefit everyone. Notice who the large companies use: it is not by accident they support childrens charities. They get it.
    The bottom line is that it puts your company in the spotlight without promoting your products, it gives the impression that you are community minded, and throught their support, you can help others. Good Luck, Darr

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