
Topic: Website Critique

Energy/libido Enhancement Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have a new product that is made of organic herbs and superfoods. I want to convey sexy, edgy appeal to cater to the mainstream...something most "natural" and holistic products do not do. Any advice on my site? Thank you so much!
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Hi, Julie -

    How long has your site been up in its current version?

  • Posted on Author
    Since is still a work in progress, though!
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    OK, in all candor, I was really just asking the question to see if you were just trying to spam the board with a link to your Web site.

    Now that I see there is, in fact, a "Julie" connected to this company, I'll go out on a limb and say that you're here to ask a legitimate question. Don't prove me wrong, please!

    Frankly, I don't think there's a way for you to market your product to "mainstream" America using the branding you've chosen. Your marketing has a very concrete look and feel to it, and I think you know who your target market is.

    Based on the look of your Web site, as well as some of the videos you have up and the places your product has been displayed (adult industry conventions and so forth), I don't think you're really going after "mainstream" America.

    Have you ever thought about taking the exact same product and creating different marketing so that you could reach this more mainstream audience with a different kind of message?

    I'm just thinking out loud here...I don't purport to know much about this industry.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for you candor, and I was afraid someone would assume that!
    I do see what you're saying about mainstream, and I guess I should've been more specific about what I meant when I said "mainstream"...see, the issue with alot of holistic, herbal, and natural products is that they've developed a stigma around them and many everyday people view their promotors as being "hippie", earthy, or liberal. I want to give an edge to a product that would normally be marketed in a very bland way. Does that make sense?
    Also- sex sells. This is an old theory but so true! Even someone who would typically raise a brow to this sort of marketing is still intrigued with it.
    I might be crazy, but I think I'm onto something here. We have people ordering our product by the case, and these are people who wouldn't, categorically, be considered the typical consumer of a natural, organic product such as this.
    Thank you so much for your feedback!!
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    OK, we might be breaking some new ground here as far as the topic goes, so buckle your seat-belts, everyone!

    No doubt, sex sells.

    However, there's different kind of "sex."

    The site you have, and the image that I think your branding projects, is hip, edgy, youthful, maybe even counter-culture (think tattoos, piercings, and so on).

    Nothing wrong with that! Better to speak clearly to a niche than say nothing to everyone.

    But there's another kind of "sex" out there that is slightly less taboo. For example (and this is where things are going to get a little bumpy), there are different kinds of "adult entertainment" businesses. (Oh, let's just call them strip clubs and be done with it, OK?)

    Some are just for men and men only, and they attract a younger crowd that wears $200 jeans and Ed hardy tshirts.

    Then there are other places where you'll find gentlemen wearing suits, drinking $40 glasses of scotch, and it's completely common to see women there, too, often with a husband or boyfriend.

    Both venues are about sex, but it's different. One is more in your face, the other more subdued (elegant might be a stretch here).

    Sort of like the difference between Penthouse (or stuff that is even more controversial) and Playboy.

    I think you can market to all types, but I am not sure you can do it with one brand or one Web site.

    I don't know if this is making any sense...
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    What's missing for me in your messaging is (social) proof. Does your product really do what you say it does? You have strong imagery, but if you don't have proof then what you're selling appears be be organic snake oil pills. Do you have independent lab tests? Testimonials from real people?
  • Posted on Author
    Very good point...we actually just talked about this. We do have testimonials and we're compiling them now. We are going to add videos as well as quotes in our site.

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