
Topic: Customer Behavior

Male Consumers And Meeting The Boss

Posted by Anonymous on 450 Points
Hello everyone! I am meeting with my customer tomorrow for the first time, (sept 24th 04) and need tips onproposing ideas to market mens clothes for funraisers, sports teams, organizations etc.
I also could really use some help for demographics on men, and psychographics. We're trying to target men, in North America and more specifically in Canada.

Thanks a million times over.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Well, this is a highly subjective situation that only you can identify the specifics you require according to your customer's needs. I reccomend looking through the following sites for info:


    In addition, I highly recommend the website of one of my colleagues, Sean D' Souza,

    He is one of the world's leaders in the psychographic/psychotactic field of thought.

    I bet you can kind some of your answers at his site.

    Good Luck!

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