
Topic: Advertising/PR

Bringing In Walkins To A Store

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My Client sells sony laptops. We are doing a locality specific activity for bringing in Walk ins. As the laptops are expensive we are expected to bring in High Networth people to the stores.
What kind of promotions can be done to make the marketing program a success.
Any Ideas.
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  • Posted by rjohnni on Member
    Use your local Postman/Post office Services and despatch DMs offering your special service/chaperone/support to these HNIs. 'cOZ THE POSTMAN KNOWS THE LOCAL LIKE NO ONE ELSE

    Do a free service week for any laptop, and when the TG come, do exchange/upsell/...

    Improve LAPTOP PRODUCTIVITY Week: promote this, and when the TG come, sell!


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    You need to start with the basics: Why would someone want to come to your store? Do they already have a laptop and want to switch to yours (WHY)? Do you have some latest feature they can't get elsewhere (WHAT)? Do you offer an exclusive service that they NEED? Once you know what attracts your target market to you, then you can create the proper campaign message. Otherwise, you could be selling cars or DVDs with your generic offer.
  • Posted on Author
    There are discounts and pre loaded software available in the laptops. Looking at some new ideas to make walkins at the store.

    Anyway thanks for the responses
  • Posted by gregg on Accepted
    Upscale or not, everyone like free stuff. Consider offering a branded promotional product with each purchase. Some ideas could include:

    - Customized USB Drives ( with your customer's logo. You might even offer a "certificate" (like that suggestion) for a reduced price to convert data/applications from a persons current laptop to the new one and give them a back up of files on the USB. While people love new laptops, they hate to have to load all their apps, transfer data and configure new laptops... and the high networth folks will likely pay to avoid the hassle. The logo on the USB reminds them of your customer with each use.

    Imprinted Computer Bag - Send them home with a free computer bag featuring your customer's logo with the purchase of a new laptop.

    Custom MP3 player - This can be good if the retailer also sells music which could be downloaded with the computer onto the logo'd MP3.

    Washable Keyboard - The techies and health focused crowd may be intrigued by a keyboard that they can toss into the dishwasher and they'll see your customer's logo everytime they use it (and show it to friends).

    There's a lot of other possible ideas depending on budget, volume and such. Good luck with your promotion and let us know if we can help.

    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted by cef4 on Accepted
    You are not looking to bring in "20 somethings". You want to bring in the decision makers. You need to market to them.

    How about partnering with a wine store to do an upscale wine tasting topped off with a presentation on how your lap tops are not intended for "gamers". They are business machines that will improve your guests companies bottom line.

    Company owners and CIO's are not going to come to the store for a free usb drive.

    Ask the local college to recommend a couple of student musicians to play mood music.... have fun with it.

    Your client will have the opportunity to socialize with their potential clients. Remember, people do not buy from stores... they buy from people.

    Do the unexpected!

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks to all the members for the response. Appreciate the time taken by you for the same.

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