
Topic: Advertising/PR

Mistakes In Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are the most common mistakes to avoid in advertising one's products and services?
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  • Posted by jlandau on Accepted
    Finding the right places to advertise, meaning media types, is possible if you have the right response tool in your ad, one that you can track the volume of response that comes into. Testing is necessary of course. So toll-free numbers are good to include as a tracking mechanism. Once you find the right places to advertise, you can switch your response tool to one that is more memorable, like a vanity 800 number, so you make life easier for your audience.
  • Posted on Accepted
    1. Trying to sell to everyone (no clear target audience)

    2. Talking about yourself too much

    3. Selling features instead of benefits to the buyer

    4. Failure to understand your target audience's problems (and how your product solves them)

    5. Competing on cost (instead of value)

  • Posted by AdsValueBob on Accepted
    Everything others have already said, plus:

    - treating advertising like it is a "its done, move on" business activity

    - not advertising often / consistently

    - unrealistic goals - champagne expectations on a beer budget

    - inappropriate advertising methods (see

    - not generally following the experienced direction suggested by your advertising professional

    - advertising something you can't deliver (gross embellishment, capacity issues, outright falsehoods)

    - being penny-wise and dollar foolish on media buys - watch the ROI - not the mechanics

    - malicious, covert, or other methods to disparage your competitors - remain ethical at all times


  • Posted on Accepted
    It seems, that everything has been mentioned.
    I would just add, that when it comes to pick a concept of your advertisement it's good to avoid sensitive topics such as: religion, politics, women rights, unless you want your ad to become controversial in order to attract attention.

    Last but not least it's good to get feedback on how it worked for future reference.

  • Posted by matthewmnex on Member
    Thinkining too hard about it :)

    KISS keep it Simple Stupid!

    Make sure that it is clear from your ad what the heck your selling and where
    I can go and buy it :)

    Good luck.


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